
Osteotomy around the knee is a proven surgical intervention to counterbalance overloaded knee compartments. However, despite decades of experience, the optimal correction angle is still controversial and outcome inconsistent. Whereas, in case of valgus precondition, correction recommendations are ranging around neutral alignment [52], the vast majority of long-term-outcome studies revealed that for varus precondition the postoperative “Mechanical axis Angle (MA)” of leg alignment should be at least 3° valgus for long-term-success. Apart from that, the relationship between postoperative MA and individual outcome was found surprisingly inconsistent [45, 53, 60].

By contrast, epidemiological [22], biomechanical [30] and some few outcome studies [14, 33] indicated that even slight valgus alignment might be harmful, and load experiments using cadaveric knees revealed that more pressure is applied to the lateral knee compartment even at neutral alignment of the MA, suggesting that overcorrection into valgus alignment might be unnecessary [1, 48]. Recent approaches thus aimed at MAs of less than 3° valgus – long-term-results pending [15, 36].

Altogether, a lack of scientific understanding, especially regarding the dynamic gait situation, impedes the optimization of osteotomy planning [3, 45], even though the importance of this dynamic situation is definitely recognized: As known for decades, the outcome of osteotomy around the knee substantially worsens with increasing “external Knee Adduction Moment (KAM)” measured during gait-analysis, despite comparable MA [51]. The KAM is the external frontal-plane torque affecting the knee joint, primarily evoked by the ground-reaction-force acting towards the weight-bearing leg.

Recent in vivo load measurements confirmed that the KAM influences the force distribution between both knee compartments [21, 42, 66]: In nine subjects with instrumented knee prostheses, the KAM was found highly correlated with the knee-internal adduction moment, which balanced about two-thirds of the KAM [66], and outstanding linear relationship was found between the KAM and the percentage of axial knee force transferred to the medial compartment over the complete stance phase of walking gait [42].

Oddly enough, the KAM correlates only moderately and very inconsistently with the MA, the actual target measure for planning osteotomy [37, 51, 62], and no significant relationship was found between the average change of the KAM and the average change of the MA by osteotomy for various patient populations [40]. Above findings entailed attempts and proposals to account for the KAM when planning osteotomy [37, 62]. To our knowledge, however, nobody so far has proposed a method for including the KAM into osteotomy planning quantitatively, thus individualizing target angles of leg alignment. It is the main topic of this work.


Theoretical basics

The KAM can essentially be calculated by multiplying the frontal-plane component of the ground-reaction-force with the perpendicular distance of its load-bearing-axis to the knee centre. This distance is denoted as “External Frontal plane Lever arm (EFL)” below. EFL is largely constant over the stance phase of gait and the key driver for the KAM magnitude, thus has been proposed as a more suitable measure for planning osteotomy than the MA [37].

Evidently, size and direction of the EFL depend on the position of the leg’s frontal-plane load-bearing-axis relative to the knee centre. Orthopaedic treatises commonly equalize this load-bearing-axis to the “Mikulicz-Line”, which connects the talotibial joint centre with the hip centre [59]. This is justified approximation for the static balanced two-leg-stand (Fig. 1 left), but not for everyday dynamic situations like level-walking, where eighty-two percent of time are spent in dynamic single-leg-support [17], with much higher in-vivo knee loads [41] and the load-bearing-axis positioned much more medial [3, 62]. Hence, the average load-bearing-axis of level-walking, and not the Mikulicz-Line, should be shifted to one defined position when planning osteotomy around the knee.

Fig. 1
figure 1

External forces and torques acting on the knee joint during static standing situations. During static balanced two-leg stand, the body is contacting the ground at two positions, where a “Ground-Reaction-Force (GRF)” of about half gravity is acting in the direction of the leg’s Mikulicz-Line, the action line of the GRF being usually conceived as the weight-bearing-line. At static single-leg-stand, only one contiguous area is contacting the ground perpendicular below the center of mass. The GRF now has the same action line and magnitude as gravity, consequently does not correspond to the Mikulicz-Line. Hence, in single-support situations not only a different weight-bearing-line applies, but also the GRF acting on the distal end of the tibia for gravity compensation is substantially higher than in static balanced two-leg-situations. The GRF, pulling the distal end of the tibia upwards, induces a knee torque (essentially the KAM), which influences the force distribution between both knee compartments. This torque is physically the same as if the GRF pulled at the end of a lever arm fixed to the proximal tibia, which extends from the knee center perpendicular towards the GRF axis (right). Its length, the External Frontal plane Lever arm (EFL), clearly depends on leg alignment, but is a physically more accurate predictor of the KAM than the MA, as it depends on the distance between both hip centers, the femur- and tibia-length, too

Exploiting various publications on gait biomechanics [19, 44, 46, 49, 50, 64], we found that the temporally averaged frontal-plane load-bearing-axis of level-walking is virtually meeting the mid-position between both hip centres for comfortable walking speed (Appendix A.1). It therefore resembles the weight-bearing-line of the static single-leg-stand, which will be stable, if the body centre of mass is perpendicular above the base of support [35], with the ground-reaction-force counteracting gravity vertically near midline pelvis (Fig. 1 mid). Hence, the average EFL of level-walking approximately corresponds to the distance between the sagittal plane and the knee centre, i.e. the EFL, at static single-leg-stand. This single-leg-stand-EFL, again, depends not only on the MA, but also on the hip-centre-to-hip-centre distance, the femur- and tibia-length (Fig. 1 right), thus being a physically more accurate predictor for KAM and compartmental force distribution than the MA.

The EFL can be modified by osteotomy around the knee, thus surgically changing the MA. However, due to the higher physical accuracy, we propose that the target parameter for osteotomy should not be the MA, but the EFL of the KAM at static single-leg-stand. This single-leg-stand-EFL, again, can be calculated from static skeleton dimensions extractable from any standard full-leg radiograph with pictured symphysis pubis (Eq. (1) Fig. 2), wherefrom the following dimensions can be measured:

  • Distance h from hip centre to midline pelvis, approximately given by the ipsilateral cranial edge of the symphysis pubis. If the patient’s frontal plane cannot be aligned exactly parallel to the image plane, half the distance between both hip centres should be measured from a radiograph of the pelvis.

  • Femur length f from hip centre to knee centre.

  • Tibia length t from talotibial joint centre to knee centre.

  • Distance w between medial and lateral femur epicondyle.

  • Distance b from knee centre to tibia plateau tangent.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Calculation of the adduction moment’s External Frontal-plane Lever arm (EFL) from skeleton dimensions. The relevant straight-line segments (a) are depicted once again in counterclockwise rotated posture (b), which represents the static single-leg-stand situation, with the ground-reaction-force (arrow) acting bottom-up vertically along midline pelvis, and with the tibia-plateau ideally parallel to the ground after osteotomy. The highlighted formulas derived from (b) allow conversion of the MA (in radians) to the EFL and vice versa including further skeleton dimensions, as well as calculation of the lateral distance sTP from the Mikulicz-Line to the knee centre on the tibia plateau. The large-arrow-marked formulas are directly derived from the trigonometric relationships between lengths and angles in (b). Equation (1) results from a usual mathematical approximation of the first, complex formula by a simpler polynomial

The EFL should be the target parameter for osteotomy, wherefrom the individual target MA (Eq. (2) Fig. 2) and the lateral distance of the Mikulicz-Line to the knee centre on the tibia plateau sTP (Eq. (3) Fig. 2) can be calculated.

For balanced compartmental morbidity risk, we presumed the optimal EFL achieved, if the same average contact pressure (force per contact area, stress) is applied to the medial and lateral compartment, as heightened average and maximum contact stress is associated with increased joint morbidity [55, 56]. Exploiting published pressure- and contact-area-measurements in twenty-three cadaveric knees [1, 48, 52, 65], we found equal pressure in both compartments when the axial force is distributed fifty-fifty (Appendix A.2). Hence, our approach aims at a “Medial compartment Force Ratio (MFR)”, which is the percentage of axial knee-internal force transferred to the medial compartment in vivo, of 50% over the complete stance phase of gait.

The MFR for any defined period with varying knee loads can be derived to (Appendix A.3)

$${\text{MFR}} = \left( {\frac{1}{2} + {\text{c}} \cdot \frac{{\text{IFL*}}}{{\text{w}}}} \right) \cdot 100$$

with c being the ratio of the femur-epicondyle-distance w to the femur-condyle-distance, and IFL* given by

$${\text{IFL*}} = \frac{{\sum\limits_{{\text{i}}} {{\text{M}}_{{{\text{Yi}}}} } }}{{\sum\limits_{{\text{i}}} {{\text{F}}_{{{\text{Zi}}}} } }}$$

Therein, -FZi is the knee-internal force component along the tibia axis in cranio-caudal direction at an instant i of the defined period, and -MYi is the simultaneous knee-internal torque in the frontal-plane, which shifts surplus load to the medial compartment and unloads the lateral one by the same amount. Summation () is performed over all (isochronously distributed, discrete) instants i of the period.

IFL* can be conceived as the average weighted distance between the action line of the axial knee-internal force (caused by gravity and muscle forces) and the knee centre in the frontal-plane for the defined period (Appendix A.3), thus representing a “knee-Internal Frontal plane Lever arm (IFL)”. According to Eq. (4), the fifty-percent-MFR for the defined period will be achieved, if IFL*/w equals zero. If the knee-width-normalized IFL*/w can be linearly related to the likewise knee-width-normalized EFL/w calculated from frontal-plane skeleton dimensions, the one EFL/w for balanced compartmental forces over this period can be identified from the intercept.

Data sources

To find this relationship, skeleton data and in-vivo-measurement data of forces and torques within the knee during static balanced two-leg-stand, static single-leg-stand and level-walking (Appendix A.4), originating from nine subjects with instrumented knee prostheses [8, 9, 11,12,13], were exploited. Data had been collected before by a further study approved by the ethics committee of the Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin “(EA4/069/06) and registered at the ‘German Clinical Trials Register’ (DRKS00000606)” [13]. Within this study, all subjects provided written informed consent concerning use of their data.


As detailed in Appendix A.5, for each subject various IFL* were computed from the time-variable forces FZi and torques MYi measured in vivo by the subject’s instrumented knee prosthesis (Eq. (5)). IFL* calculated for the complete stance phase of level-walking with the ipsilateral foot contacting the ground, the relevant period for osteotomy, is denoted as IFLLW below. IFL* was further calculated for three sub-periods of the stance phase characterized by increasing compartmental force differences, as well as for the static single-leg-stand and the static balanced two-leg-stand, both static situations analysed over 1.9 s. From all these various IFL* values, associated MFR values were calculated using Eq. (4) (with subject-specific w and arbitrary, but consistent c).

Moreover, each subject’s individual EFL was calculated from its frontal-plane skeleton dimensions using Eq. (1) (Fig. 2) (Appendix A.5). As the ground-reaction-force at static single-leg-stand is approximately one times “Body Weight (BW)”, the individual “Knee Adduction Moment at static single-leg-stand (KAMS)”, in the usual unit [%BWHt], resulted from the subject-specific EFL and the subject’s “body Height (Ht)” [42] as follows:

$$\begin{aligned}{{\text{KAM}}_{{\text{S}}} } & { = {{{\text{EFL}} \cdot {1} \cdot {\text{BW}}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{{\text{EFL}} \cdot {1} \cdot {\text{BW}}} {\left( {{\text{BW}} \cdot {\text{Ht}}} \right) \cdot {1}00}}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {\left( {{\text{BW}} \cdot {\text{Ht}}} \right) \cdot {1}00}}} \\ {} & { = {{{\text{EFL}}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{{\text{EFL}}} {{\text{Ht}} \cdot {1}00\,\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\quad }}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {{\text{Ht}} \cdot {1}00\,\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\quad }}} \end{aligned}$$

The KAMS values therefore are equal to EFL in percentage of body height.

For knee width normalization, each subject's EFL and IFL*-values were divided by the subject-specific femur epicondyle distance w.

To compare the compartmental load distributions in vivo, the subjects' MFRs of the stance phase of level-walking were related to the MFRs of the static balanced two-leg- and single-leg-stand.

To test whether EFL is a significant predictor for KAM and MFR, the subjects' KAMS (= EFL in %Ht) values were related to the same subjects’ published KAM peaks measured during gait analysis [42], and the subjects’ various MFR values were related to their EFL/w values. For comparison, the same correlations were tested with MA instead of EFL.

To find the target EFL/w for osteotomy, the subjects’ EFL/w values were related to their IFLLW/w values, and, for comparison, to their IFL*/w values from static single-leg-stand, denoted as IFLSLS/w below. The intercepts of the two highly significant linear correlations of EFL/w with IFLSLS/w and IFLLW/w delivered the target proportions, which are related to an MFR of 50% during static single-leg-stand and the stance phase of level-walking, respectively. From the universal target proportion EFL/w for the complete stance phase of level-walking, the individual target EFL for an osteotomy patient can be calculated by multiplying with the patient’s femur epicondyle distance w. This EFL inserted in Eq. (2) (Fig. 2) delivers the individual target MA for osteotomy in radians. Inserting EFL and MA in Eq. (3) (Fig. 2) finally yields the individual medio-lateral target distance of the Mikulicz-Line from the knee centre on the tibia plateau sTP. With known diameter of the tibia plateau and known lateral distance from the knee centre to the tibia plateau centre, sTP can be easily expressed in percent of the tibia plateau diameter measured from the medial edge, too.

For evaluation regarding anthropometrically established body proportions, the resulting correction formulas were applied to fictive patients with realistic skeleton geometries, presetting various figures by varying hip-centre-to-hip-centre distance and body height. For each body height, average gender-dependent f, w, t, and b was calculated by using published average dimensions and proportions (Appendix A.6). Average figures were defined by combining average German body height [63] with average hip-centre-to-hip-centre distance measured from British patients’ radiographs (75 male, 75 female) [2]. Combining average body height with the measured hip-centre-to-hip-centre extremes delivered the margin figures “lanky man” and “stocky woman” (Table 3).

Data analysis

With IFL*/w, KAMS, level-walking- and single-leg-stand-MFR being the independent variables, and EFL/w, KAM and the MFRs of the static two-leg- and single-leg-stand (Fig. 3 only) being the dependent ones, linear regression analysis was performed using Microsoft Excel 2019 (including Real Statistics Add-In). The coefficients of determination R2, the P values, statistical power and confidence intervals were thus identified. The statistical significance of the difference between two correlations was tested by the depending-overlapping-samples correlation t-test.

Fig. 3
figure 3

External and knee-internal frontal-plane knee load conditions for static and dynamic situations. Left: The frontal-plane projection of the variable Ground-Reaction-Force (GRF) acting towards the distal end of the tibia over the complete stance-phase of level-walking resembles, regarding its orientation and magnitude in weighted temporal average, much more the GRF of the static single-leg-stand than the GRF of the static balanced two-leg-stand. Similar to the GRF of the static single-leg-stand, the averaged level-walking-GRF approximately points towards the mid-position between both hip centres (Appendix A.1). The average dynamic load-bearing-axis of level-walking thus is markedly different from the Mikulicz-Line. As illustrated for a comfortable walking speed of 5 km/h and average leg length, the midpoint between both hip centres commutes quasi symmetrically around the intersection position of the hip-centre-to-hip-centre connection line with the temporally averaged load-bearing-axis of the predominantly loaded leg (illustration scaled by factor three in width for better visibility). Right: Correlations of the medial compartment force ratio (MFR) measured in vivo over the stance phase of level-walking (including single-leg- and two-leg-phases) with the MFR of the static single-leg-stand and the MFR of the static balanced two-leg-stand, both static situations analyzed over 1.9 s. A 50% MFR at static single-leg-stand involves a 50% MFR at level walking, too


Biomechanical findings

The frontal-plane load-bearing-axis of level-walking, averaged over the complete stance phase from heel strike to toe-off, was found virtually meeting the mid-position between both hip centres for comfortable walking speed. The load-bearing-axis of level-walking thus actually resembles much more the load-bearing-axis of the static single-leg-stand than that of the static balanced two-leg-stand (Fig. 3 left).

This external force orientation is reflected in the medio-lateral force distribution between the knee compartments in vivo: The medial compartment force ratio (MFR) over the stance phase of level-walking, which is the percentage of axial knee-internal force transferred to the medial compartment from heel strike to toe-off, was found only moderately correlated with the MFR of the static balanced two-leg-stand (R2 = 0.69, P = 0.006), but highly significantly correlated with the MFR of the static single-leg-stand (R2 = 0.95, P < 0.001). Despite the small sample size, the correlation of the level-walking-MFR was found significantly better (P = 0.037) with the MFR of the static single-leg-stand than with the MFR of the static balanced two-leg-stand. Due to the virtual identity especially near the 50% MFR (Fig. 3 right), balanced compartmental loads during static single-leg-stand will involve balanced compartmental loads during level-walking, too, which substantiates the appropriateness of our approach.

Moreover, the MFRs of the static single-leg-stand and the stance phase of level-walking in vivo are highly predictable by the external frontal-plane lever arm (EFL) calculated from frontal-plane skeleton dimensions. Linear regression analysis revealed highly significant positive correlations of the knee-width-normalized EFL/w with the knee-width-normalized knee-internal frontal plane lever arms IFLSLS/w and IFLLW/w calculated from in-vivo-measurement data, for the static single-leg-stand (intercept = 0.341; 68.3%CI, 0.304–0.379; 95%CI, 0.259–0.423; EFL/w = 1.85·IFLSLS/w + 0.341; t7 = 9.9; P < 0.001; R2 = 0.90) and for the stance phase of level-walking (intercept = 0.349; 68.3%CI, 0.308–0.391; 95%CI, 0.259–0.440; EFL/w = 2.12·IFLLW/w + 0.349; t7 = 9.1; P < 0.001; R2 = 0.88). IFLSLS/w and IFLLW/w are proportional to the respective medial compartment force ratio (MFR, Eq. (4)). The one EFL/w corresponding to MFR = 50% results from the intercepts of the latter two relationships to EFL/w = 0.341 for the static single-leg-stand, and, very similar, EFL/w = 0.349 for the stance phase of level-walking (Fig. 4 mid/right). Balanced loads during the stance phase of level-walking thus may be expected if the EFL is 0.349 times the femur epicondyle distance w, which is the sought-after EFL for osteotomy around the knee.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Relationships of the skeleton-derived EFL to KAM and MFR. Left: Relationships between the external Knee Adduction Moment at static single-leg-stand (KAMS), calculated from frontal-plane skeleton dimensions, and both published KAM peaks measured during gait analysis. Mid and right: Relationships between the Medial compartment Force Ratio (MFR) calculated from published in-vivo-measurement data, and the knee-width-normalized External Frontal plane Lever arm (EFL) calculated from frontal-plane skeleton dimensions (MFR-scale assuming c = 1.5). The respective relationships for the static single-leg-stand (mid) and for the stance phase of level-walking, including both single-support- and double-support-phases (right), are very similar. All data originate from the same nine subjects, the number within each mark corresponds to the number of the subject denotation

Furthermore, the skeleton-derived static knee adduction moment KAMS, equal to EFL in the unit [%Ht], turned out highly predictive for the published knee adduction moment (KAM) measured during gait analysis. Highly significant linear correlations of KAM with KAMS were found for the maximum KAM (estimate: 68.3%CI; KAM = 1.26·KAMS-0.61%BWHt ± 0.44%BWHt; t7 = 7.1; P < 0.001; R2 = 0.88), and especially for the first KAM peak, values being even almost equal (Fig. 4 left) (estimate: 68.3%CI; KAM = 1.13·KAMS-0.33%BWHt ± 0.40%BWHt; t7 = 7.0; P < 0.001; R2 = 0.88).

For the given nine subjects, the published KAM measured during gait analysis is correlating better with the skeleton-derived EFL than with the MA for all peaks of the measured KAM (Table 1).

Table 1 Comparison between EFL and MA regarding their correlation with the measured KAM

The MFR as well is correlating better with this EFL than with the MA at static single-leg-stand, for the complete stance phase of level-walking, and even for the static balanced two-leg-stand (Table 2).

Table 2 Comparison between EFL and MA regarding their relationship to the MFR measured in vivo

Clinical relevance

As the EFL derived from frontal-plane skeleton dimensions is a physically more comprehensive and accurate predictor for the external frontal-plane knee torque, i.e. the KAM, during static and dynamic single-leg-situations than the MA, the KAM, again, is highly correlated with the medial compartment force ratio (MFR) over the complete stance phase of walking gait [42], EFL appears to be a more efficient target parameter to achieve balanced compartmental loads (MFR = 50%) by osteotomy around the knee than the MA. The target EFL should be 0.349 times the femur epicondyle distance w to achieve balanced compartmental pressure distribution during level-walking in temporal average (Fig. 5(b)). Detailed planning with the resulting formulas (7)-(10) is exemplified in Fig. 6. A calculator using these implemented formulas is provided with the Additional file 1.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Proposal for the planning of osteotomy around the knee using EFL as target parameter. Hitherto planning of osteotomy around the knee targets either at a defined axis angle or at a defined distance of the Mikulicz-Line to the medial edge of the tibia plateau (a). We propose to target at a defined, knee-width-dependent distance from the knee centre to a dynamic load bearing line, which connects the talotibial joint centre with the mid-position between both hip centres, approximately given by the cranial end of the symphysis pubis (b). With this distance, denoted as EFL, variable target MAs result for the individually different distances of femur epicondyles, hip centres, femur- and tibia-lengths

Fig. 6
figure 6

Formulas for the calculation of the MA and the Mikulicz-Line-position from skeleton dimensions. The exemplarily measured dimensions inserted into the formulas, which must be calculated successively in the order of their numbering while using results of preceding formulas, finally result in the target MA and the lateral distance sTP of the Mikulicz-Line from the knee centre on the tibia plateau

Evaluation of correction formulas regarding anthropometrically established body proportions

Results of the correction formulas (7)-(10) (Fig. 6) applied to fictive patients with realistic skeleton dimensions are compiled in Table 3: For average sized patients with average body proportions, an average correction recommendation of 3.4° valgus for the MA and an intersection of the Mikulicz-Line with the tibia plateau at 62% of the tibia plateau diameter, measured from the medial edge, results. For deviant skeleton geometries, different target MAs are required. Based on a confidence level of 68.3%, regarded as reasonable for physical measurements [23], the target correction intervals of the margin figures “lanky man” and “stocky women” are clearly separated from the target intervals of average figures. For a confidence level of 95%, the confidence interval of the target MA is enlarged to ± 2.1° about the mean. In any case, valgus alignment appears appropriate for average patients.

Table 3 Correction examples for fictive patients with realistic skeleton dimensions

The first, mostly highest KAM peak from gait analysis would vary between 1.7 ± 0.4%BWHt for the “lanky man” and 2.9 ± 0.4%BWHt for the “stocky woman”, if all fictive patients were aligned to zero MA. The KAM of the neutrally aligned “stocky woman” would correspond to the KAM of the “lanky man”, if the latter was 5° varus aligned. Both patients might suffer from similar medial knee overload and profit from osteotomy around the knee, however with considerably different target angles.


The developed correction formulas propose a method for quantitative planning of osteotomy around the knee including a crucial adduction moment parameter. Based on individual skeleton dimensions, which can be read from standard full-leg-radiographs, patient-specific target angles and Mikulicz-Line positions can be calculated.

Results for average patients, requiring a target MA of 3.4° valgus and a target position of the Mikulicz-Line at 62% of the tibia plateau diameter, exactly confirm the most consented correction recommendation for varus precondition: 3–5° valgus [53] and a Mikulicz-Line position at 62–62.5% of the tibia plateau diameter (“Fujisawa-Point”) [45, 60]. Results for average patients suggest that the established correction recommendations already account for the adduction moment by moderately overcorrecting into valgus alignment. This overcorrection does not lead to an overload of the lateral knee compartment, as generally assumed, but is mandatory to guarantee balanced compartmental pressures with regard to the highly load-bearing dynamic gait situation.

For skeleton proportions deviating from average, aberrant target MAs are needed, possibly an explanation for the large variability of correction recommendations between mostly 0° for valgus precondition [52] and 3–8° valgus for varus precondition [60]. The inconclusiveness with regard to the optimal degree of (over)correction might be explained by skeleton differences between and within the respective patient populations, requiring very variable target angles and thus precluding commitment to one value, as every patient is equipped with highly individualized anatomic parameters. Our results for fictive, but realistic patients (target MA 0.9–5.8° valgus, Mikulicz-Line position at 51–73% of the tibia plateau diameter), are consistent with empirical findings concerning favourable long-term outcome, for the intersection position of the Mikulicz-Line with the tibia plateau (50–73%) [16, 20] as well as for the target MA of leg alignment (0–8°valgus) for varus and for valgus precondition [33, 52, 60]. Hernigou et al. (1987) [33] for example, frequently cited to justify close-to-neutral re-alignment below 3° valgus (e.g. [15, 47]), factually found degeneration of the lateral compartment due to overcorrection not before 7–10° valgus, some good results between 0–3° valgus, but optimal clinical and radiographical ten-year-outcome at varus precondition for a postoperative MA between 3–6° valgus. Our correction examples (Table 3) meet the favourable range.

Concordant to our results for average patients, up-to-date computational studies, combining 3D-magnetic-resonance data with finite-element-analysis and including the adduction moment from gait analysis, likewise found balanced compartmental stress for a Mikulicz-Line position at 60–65% of the tibia plateau diameter [47] and (averaged) 3.6° valgus alignment [70].

For average patients with varus precondition, our results confirm rather the established consensus to position the Mikulicz-Line to the Fujisawa-Point than the recent trend for close-to-neutral re-alignment. The apparently only one publication reporting on a better (mid-term) outcome for mild correction, optimal for a Mikulicz-Line position at 50–55% of the tibia plateau diameter from medial [36], compares the outcome of patients, whose planned degree of correction had been preoperatively assigned to the degree of knee damage, a higher degree of correction assigned to more damaged knees. As osteotomy prognosis worsens with preoperative damage [61], the worse outcome for higher correction angles might be self-explanatory.

The recent trend towards neutral re-alignment may be partially ascribed to static load tests using isolated cadaveric knees [1, 48], which found balanced compartmental pressures when the load-bearing-axis intersected the tibia plateau within the medial compartment and the MA was varus-aligned (Appendix A.2). This led to the conclusion that overcorrection into valgus alignment might not be necessary. However, shifting the Mikulicz-Line to this equilibrium position in the medial compartment would equalize compartmental pressures only for the static balanced two-leg-stand (Fig. 3), thus completely disregarding highly load-bearing (dynamic) single-support situations with load-bearing-axes much more medial than the Mikulicz-Line. The coming into effect of different weight-bearing-lines at two-leg- compared to single-leg-situations, which is the basic concept of our theoretical approach, has already been recognized and amplified by Shaw et al. (1996) [59], and could be clearly confirmed by recent in vivo measurements: For all two-leg situations, slightly more load is distributed to the lateral compartment, whereas for all single-leg activities the medial compartment has to bear much higher loads [43]. Osteotomy planning according to our proposal will position the average dynamic load-bearing-axis of level-walking (Fig. 5) to 12–14% of the tibia plateau diameter measured from the medial edge (Table 3), exactly to the balanced-load-position (0–25%) found in the experiments with cadaveric knees [3]. The Mikulicz-Line, however, still passes the lateral compartment.

Another finding that might have fostered the concern about overcorrection to valgus alignment is the dramatic increase of total joint contact forces with increasing valgus alignment computed in earlier studies [30, 31]. It led to recommendations for neutral realignment at varus precondition. A very recent study, however, co-authored partly by the same authors, proved these concerns unnecessary, as it found the total joint contact forces not significantly influenced by varus/valgus malalignment in vivo [67]. Further studies thoroughly ferreted out tiniest degenerative changes in the lateral compartment, with the alarming conclusion that even slight valgus alignment might be detrimental [14, 22]. Investigations, however, were restricted to changes in the lateral compartment alone, thus completely disregarding possibly even worse degradation for neutral alignment within the medial compartment. Studies including both compartments, originating from knees of partly the same cohort (“MOST”), found that valgus knees, in the same period, had a clearly reduced risk versus neutral alignment for incident distinct radiographic osteoarthritis including osteophytes [57], and valgus alignment, regardless of its degree, did not increase the risk of incident lateral, but progressively decreased the risk of incident medial cartilage damage compared to neutral alignment [58].

Despite reasonably balanced varus-to-valgus prevalence [7], isolated gonarthrosis was observed fourteen times more in the medial than in the lateral compartment [32], and osteoarthritic individuals are more likely to have neutral than valgus alignment compared to healthy ones [68]. Evidence suggests that slight valgus alignment might be even healthier than neutral alignment with regard to knee survival until old age, and the recent trend for close-to-neutral realignment in case of medial compartment damage should be reconsidered, as it might be based on a misconception.

The biomechanical findings of this study, to our knowledge unprecedented so far, suggest that the KAM is influenced not only by the MA, but also by the distance between both hip centres, the femur- and tibia-length. The extent of relationship between KAM and MA thus depends on the variability of these additional skeleton dimensions compared to the variability of the MA in the respective patient population. This might explain, at least in parts, the merely moderate and extremely variable correlation of the maximal KAM with the MA in former studies [37, 51, 62] and the poor relationship between changes of the MA and changes of the KAM by osteotomy around the knee in various patient populations [40].

Our numerical results are clearly limited by their partial dependence on load measurements in non-physiologic knees after arthroplasty, even if the subjects had regained normal gait at the time of data acquisition. The cruciate ligaments had been sacrificed, thus forces normally taken up by these ligaments are transferred to the implant [13]. As the cruciate ligaments are acting predominantly parallel to the tibial plateau, the axial forces relevant for our results might be less affected. Another limitation is the small number of available subjects with instrumented prostheses. Statistical power for simple linear regression, however, is sufficient (e.g. 0.83 for α = 0.001, R2 = 0.84, 9 samples), and after all, the identified linear correlations are (highly) significant. Amazingly, the necessary sample size for linear regression is still under discussion and was found surprisingly small [6, 27, 39], possibly because statistical efficiency of simple linear regression depends not only on sample size, but also on range and distribution of the independent variable values [27]. For simple linear regression, three variable pairs selectively chosen at the beginning, mid and end of the possible range may statistically outperform even larger numbers of randomly chosen pairs agglomerating near the centre of that range. Referring to this, the subject population under study is fortuitously well-composed. MAs range from 4.5° valgus to 7° varus, which covers 88.5% of the MA-range of a randomly chosen population with n = 500 [7]. This might explain the highly significant linear regression results despite moderate sample size. Concerning the correlation t-test, however, sample size is too small to underpin the observed small differences in the coefficients of determination given in Tables 1 and 2 with sufficient statistical significance. These quite small differences might be due to the fact that the subjects under study are very homogeneous regarding half hip-centre-to-to-hip-centre distance (88.4 ± 4.1 mm) and body height (1720 ± 38 mm), whereas their MA differs considerably (2.39 ± 3.94°) compared to representative larger populations [2, 7, 29]. The subjects’ MA thus explains almost all variance of their skeleton-derived EFL (R2 = 0.97), which is reflected in the, compared to literature, extraordinarily high correlation of the subjects’ maximal KAM with their MA (R = r = 0.92 versus r = 0.45 [62], r = 0.703 [51], r = 0.14–0.79 [37]. Still better correlation of KAM and MFR with the EFL than with the MA would be expectable for collectives with higher skeleton- and lower MA-variability, which might be subject of further research.

Finally, formulas have been evaluated using fictive patients only. Future research might retrospectively relate known outcome of real osteotomy patients to the deviation of achieved re-alignment from the proposed target angle.


The external frontal plane lever arm (EFL) of the knee adduction moment, essentially derivable from a full-leg radiograph with depicted symphysis pubis, is a more appropriate target parameter for planning osteotomy around the knee than the angle of static leg alignment. Starting from an EFL which is proportional to the femur epicondyle distance, individual target angles can be calculated from the femur- and tibia-length and the distance from the hip centre to the symphysis pubis, all dimensions read from a frontal-plane full-leg radiograph. The calculated values provide a guideline, which may be varied as appropriate. More correction might be adequate to further unload a severely damaged compartment, less correction for merely preventive realignments in young patients who wish to remain further engaged in competitive sports.

The proposed method enables a practicable quantitative inclusion of a crucial adduction moment parameter into planning of osteotomy around the knee. Using the correction formulas (7)-(10) (Fig. 6), automatized in the Additional file 1, the method can be implemented with immediate effect, and improved outcome might be expected.