Correction: Earth, Planets Space (2022) 74:181

Following publication of the original article (Burchill and Knudsen 2022), the authors reported an error in Appendix Equation B2 caused by an error in drafting the LaTeX form for the matrix. The authors wish to thank Martin Paces for bringing this mistake to their attention.

The original Appendix Equation B2 is:

$$R_{\rm{NEC{\leftarrow}SVA}} = \left[ { \begin{array}{ccc} \frac{v_N}{v} & -\frac{v_E}{v} & - \frac{v_N v_C}{v \sqrt{v^2_N + v^2_E}} \\ \frac{v_E}{v} & \frac{v_N}{v} & - \frac{v_E v_C}{v \sqrt{v^2_N + v^2_E}} \\ \frac{v_C}{v} & 0 & \frac{\sqrt{v^2_N + v^2_E}}{v} \end{array} } \right]$$

The correct Appendix Equation B2 should read:

$$R_{\rm{NEC{\leftarrow}SVA}} = \left[ { \begin{array}{ccc} \frac{v_N}{v} & -\frac{v_E}{\sqrt{v_N^2+v_E^2}} & - \frac{v_N v_C}{v \sqrt{v^2_N + v^2_E}} \\ \frac{v_E}{v} & \frac{v_N}{\sqrt{v_N^2+v_E^2}} & - \frac{v_E v_C}{v \sqrt{v^2_N + v^2_E}} \\ \frac{v_C}{v} & 0 & \frac{\sqrt{v^2_N + v^2_E}}{v} \label{eq:dcm-sva-to-nec} \end{array} } \right]$$

The original article (Burchill and Knudsen 2022) has been updated.