Correction: Earth, Planets and Space (2023) 75: 144

Following publication of the original article (Ichihara et al. 2023), the authors reported a mistake in Fig. 2L.

Due to a typesetting error, the Fig. 2L was partially missing in the original online version.

The correct Fig. 2 should read:

Fig. 2
figure 2figure 2

a Northwesterly view of the Shinmoe-dake summit during the 2017 activity, taken by S. Nakada (14:29, October 11, 2017). b Eruption plume of the 2017 Shinmoe-dake eruption viewed from Shinyu hot springs on the southwestern foot of the edifice taken by T. Kaneko (October 12, 2017). c Southwesterly view of the summit during the 2018 Shinmoe-dake activity, taken by S. Nakada (shortly before 10:00, March 3, 2018). d Northeasterly view of the effusing lava in the Shinmoe-dake summit crater taken by Mainichi Shinbun (5:20, March 6, 2018). e Close-up photograph of the effusing lava in the Shinmoe-dake summit crater taken by Mainichi Shinbun (5:17, March 6, 2018). f Westerly view of the Shinmoe-dake summit crater taken by S. Nakada (17:26, March 9, 2018). The tip of the northwestern margin of the lava filling the crater is about to flow down the slope (indicated by a yellow allow). g Small Vulcanian eruption during the 2018 Shinmoe-dake activity taken from the southwest by S. Nakada (17:30, March 9, 2018). h Lava flow flowing down the northwestern slope of Shinmoe-dake, taken by S. Nakada (10:25, April 20, 2018). i Shinmoe-dake summit just before the Vulcanian eruption shown in “(j)” taken by S. Nakada (10:09, March 10, 2018). The ca. 150 m diameter area near the eruption site swells like a shield. j Vulcanian eruption occurred at the site shown in “(i)”, taken by S. Nakada (10:15, March 10, 2018). k Eruption site of the Vulcanian eruptions, located in the central part of the lava flow at the summit, taken by T. Kaneko from the east (March 13, 2018). Yellow arrows indicate pit craters. l Eruption site of the Vulcanian eruptions taken by F. Maeno from the west (April 15, 2018). m Vulcanian eruption on May 14, 2018, recorded by a JMA monitoring camera. n Westerly view of Iwo-yama and surrounding areas taken by JMA (April 21, 2018). o Activity of Iwo-yama immediately before the April 19 eruption, recorded by a JMA monitoring camera (15:38, April 19, 2018). p The April 19 Iwo-yama eruption recorded by a JMA monitoring camera (15:44, April 19, 2018

The original article (Ichihara et al. 2023) has been updated.