Correction to: Earth, Planets and Space (2021) 73:14, Earth, Planets and Space (2021) 73:157

Following publication of the original articles (Yamada et al. 2021; Terada et al. 2021), the authors reported an error in the reference below

  • Nurhasan OY, Ujihara N et al (2006) Two electrical conductors beneath Kusatsu-Shirane volcano, Japan, imaged by audiomagnetotellurics, and their implications for the hydrothermal system. Earth Planets Space 58:1053–1059.

The correct reference should be:

  • Nurhasan, Ogawa Y, Ujihara N et al (2006) Two electrical conductors beneath Kusatsu-Shirane volcano, Japan, imaged by audiomagnetotellurics, and their implications for the hydrothermal system. Earth Planets Space 58:1053–1059.

Following publication of the original article (Terada et al. 2021), the author reported another error in the reference below.

  • Tseng KH, Ogawa Y, Nurhasan TSB, Ujihara N, Honkura Y, Terada A, Usui Y, Kanda W (2020) Anatomy of active volcanic edifice at the Kusatsu-Shirane volcano, Japan, by magnetotellurics: hydrothermal implications for volcanic unrests. Earth Planet Space 72:161.

The correct reference should be:

  • Tseng KH, Ogawa Y, Nurhasan, Tank SB, Ujihara N, Honkura Y, Terada A, Usui Y, Kanda W (2020) Anatomy of active volcanic edifice at the Kusatsu-Shirane volcano, Japan, by magnetotellurics: hydrothermal implications for volcanic unrests. Earth Planet Space 72:161.

The original articles (Yamada et al. 2021; Terada et al. 2021) have been updated.