Unfortunately, the original version of this article [1] contained a mistake. An incorrect version of Figure 3 was used. Figure 3 contains the results of pressure and pressure anisotropy calculations for very quiet geomagnetic conditions (AL =−100 nT and Dst =−5 nT). Pressure distribution on Figure 3 must be compared with pressure distribution obtained at low altitudes for the same conditions and shown on Fig. 1 of the paper.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Plasma pressure and pressure anisotropy in the equatorial plane during low geomagnetic activity. Results of the calculation of a pressure and b pressure anisotropy in the equatorial plane, from data of the THEMIS mission, for AL =−100 nT and Dst =−5 nT

The correct version of Figure 3, Fig. 1 here, is available below.