Correction : Geoscience Letters (2023) 10:6

The authors identified that the vertical labels were missing in figures. 2 and 3.

Fig. 2
figure 2

a Classification of parts in Sakiyama Bay. The reef edge part is surrounded by a blue line. The inner part is surrounded by an orange line. The intermediate parts are between them. The reef edge and coast sides are divided by a yellow line. b Distribution region of E. acoroides. E. acoroides is distributed in the region surrounded by a green line. No coral and E. acoroides are distributed in the region surrounded by a white line. c Coral coverage classified by coral life forms. d Diversity index of corals. The zero values of the diversity index in the bay’s intermediate part show the existence of only one type of coral (branching or massive). The pink and yellow circles under the station numbers show branching and massive corals, respectively. The zero values of the diversity index in the bay’s inner part show no coral, except for St. H-6, where small massive corals exist (see c)

Fig. 3
figure 3

a Relationship between the diversity index and significant wave height (m) in Sakiyama Bay. The significant wave height is shown by values in winter, which is much more significant than in summer. The linear fits are calculated by the parts. R values show the correlation coefficients to the corresponding lines. The calculation details were described by Shimokawa et al. (2014a, 2016). b Relationship between the diversity index and the number of soil particles in Sakiyama Bay. The numbers show averaged values for the number of soil particles virtually released from river mouths and arrived at the sea bottom in a day in numerical simulations. The calculation details were described by Shimokawa et al. (2017)

It should read as,

  • Figure 2: The vertical axes in Fig. 2c and d show coverage and diversity index.

  • Figure 3: The vertical axes in Fig. 3a and b show diversity index.

The correct figures with labels have been included in this correction, and the original article Shimokawa et al. (2023) has been corrected.