Correction to: J of Pharm Policy and Pract (2021) 14:38

Following the publication of the original article [1], the authors notified us of a few errors, reflected below:

  1. 1.


    • Originally published: “Online medication purchasing during the Covid-19 pandemic: potential risks to patient safety and the urgent need to develop more rigorous controls for purchasing online medications, a pilot study from the United Arab Emirates”.

    • Corrected: “Online medication purchasing during the Covid-19 pandemic: A pilot study from the United Arab Emirates”.

  1. 2.

    Reference 9

    • Original (incomplete): “Bukhari N, Rasheed H, Nayyer B, Babar ZUD (2020) Pharmacists at the ‏frontline beating the COVID‐19 pandemic”.

    • Updated: “Bukhari, N., Rasheed, H., Nayyer, B. et al. Pharmacists at the frontline beating the COVID-19 pandemic. J of Pharm Policy and Pract 13, 8 (2020).”.

The original article has been corrected.