
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), Remote Procedure Call (RPC), and Representational State Transfer (REST) are some of the selected approaches or architectural styles to develop web services. However, SOAP and REST are presently the most widely adopted options, with the main differences focusing on the availability of standardized interfaces. In SOAP-based services, developers should provide interfaces in Web Service Description Language (WSDL) format, although this does not apply to REST-based development. This is because REST offers flexibility and lighter access (without being required to adhere to strict protocols like SOAP-WSDL) to web services. The advantages exhibited by this program over SOAP makes it the most preferred business architectural style for developing web services. In the previous decade, REST-based services gained de facto recognition as a medium for exchanging data on the HTTP-based web and also enabling mechanical processing [1]. This provides several options for accessing the information provided by API, through the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), query parameters (QP), HTTP headers, and the combination of URIs and QPs [2]. To provide easy access to resources while promoting business services [2], programmers should define the methods to expose the API (through the provision of a URI schema) and its characteristics (supported output formats), as well as provide web service description documentation. This description acts as an understandable interface and service contract to consumers, due to containing all the ideas regarding the web service business activities. Also, it is read and studied by service users to meet required needs [3], such as operations, input and output messages, as well as methods of making service calls [4]. Furthermore, the description of web services becomes the basic element to support various activities carried out by consumers, such as search, composition, and mediation [5].

OpenAPI (OAS) is the main reference towards creating the service descriptions in REST-style programs. This defines generally accepted interface standards and descriptions for all programming languages. The OAS documents also help humans and machines understand the capabilities of service, without accessing source code, additional documentation, or inspecting network traffic. When a web service is properly described using OAS, consumers are found to understand the capabilities of each operation on the API, and subsequently interact without comprehending the implemented logic. Therefore, an operation is technically an endpoint (URI for calling a web API) equipped with an HTTP method, where the provided OAS web service description format is capable of supporting interoperability. This was because the interoperability between web services generally had two levels, namely syntax and semantics. Syntactic interoperability is concerned with the fit between input and output operations, service binding types, data formats, and more. Meanwhile, semantic interoperability aims to produce seamless conditions through the use of machine-interpreted languages. Also, it focuses on solving semantic problems (resource meaning). OAS presently supports syntactic interoperability only, leading to the observation of limitations in understanding web service descriptions, which barely focused on semantics. In OAS documents, syntactical descriptions of the operations are generally supported by web services, to assist with server and client-side code generation [1]. However, the main weakness is the lack of interpretation of the provided resources. To solve these problems, the semantic program becomes a solution as complementary service, leading to the improvement of interoperability. This combines description (syntax) with web semantics, which focuses on publishing metadata within a shared knowledge framework. These semantics subsequently describes the functionality of web services using ontology terminology and annotations, to support automation and dynamic interactions between systems. Moreover, ontology is generally used to describe a set of concepts and their relationships in a domain, while semantic annotation is a process of adding metadata to the description of web services. Therefore, the addition of semantic descriptions improves the capabilities of web services, by providing the defined interpretations [6] that are easier to read by machines [7]. These are conducted by determining the right vocabulary as a formal semantic provider, which contains a collection of classes representing concepts and properties. Additionally, API acts as a standard for transforming web data and interrelated vocabularies into a mechanism allowing the automatic integration of various services, according to their semantics [8].

Although a formal form for describing service semantics has not been found due to complexity [8], several approaches to create these descriptions have been carried out. This indicates the compilation of semantic description, by adding annotations through JSON-LD [1,2,3,4], SA-REST [5] or the Resource Description Framework (RDF) [9,10,11]. A knowledge graph was created by extracting data from set of web pages and data sources then subsequently converted into structured data, such as triple RDF [12]. Considering the various approaches to the development of semantic web services, the following research questions are raised in this study:

  1. 1.

    What is the appropriate relational database schema that can store data from OAS documents?

  2. 2.

    How to make resources in OAS documents meaningful?

  3. 3.

    What language is used to convert the data model in a relational database to triple RDF?

Meanwhile, the objective of the work is to design a semantic web service sourced from data stored in a relational database and then serve as a knowledge database on the service composition platform. The output is a triple RDF dataset obtained from the extraction of OAS documents published by service providers.

Related work

The service registry holds a central position in helping service-oriented software developers determine candidates for several composed programs. This is generally public and open to all users and programmers [13], due to primarily facilitating the discovery of web services as a basic requirement element. Through the registry, the presence (location) and assembly of services and media, including languages, tools, and machines are often demonstrated, for the required provision of more complex functionality to be met [14]. This subsequently determines the identity and description of each program, as well as other related information such as service group, availability, endpoint, and provider [15]. Although the registry is already storing complete information for each service, software developers still often determine difficulties in compiling complex composite programs, such as specification conformities, data and process compatibilities, as well as capability translations [16]. Therefore, the provision of a capable machine supporting the automation of service search is very important. The availability of complementary service descriptions is the main requirement to meet the automation process. This is because the selection recommendation for the provision of web services to clients (service-oriented software developers) or developers refer to the program description [17]. Although this description uses a syntactic machine-interpreted language, it is not still equipped with the semantics allowing web services to be “understood”, and also automatically interacting with each other. To support automatic service composition, the semantic description of each resource is the main basis that should be met. This is based on the web semantic becoming a new paradigm that meets the creation of service descriptions. Also, it provides a set of standards and best practices for data sharing and semantics, which are automatically processed and used by various applications [18].

Based on the provision of appropriate resources, the concept of semantic technology led to the creation of the Semantic Web Services (SWS) model, which extended the web service capabilities. According to McIlraith et al. [3], SWS was introduced as an extension of web services through the addition of semantic descriptions. This was to provide a formal declarative definition of the program interface and its characteristics. Furthermore, SWS is a software component that provides dynamic search, composition, and use of web services to users [19]. This enriches the functional description of programs by adding the annotations defined by formal logic-based ontologies, for service-based agents and applications to understand semantics [20]. Semantic annotations are also the result of translating electronic resources through metadata, whose interpretation was formally determined in an ontology [7]. This indicated that the provision of a description or semantic annotation appropriately supported the search, composition, and execution of web services [16]. Without the provision of these specifications and required data, machines were unable to automatically translate and propose the required services [21]. In RESTful web services, the absence of a standard description led to a variety of methods and formats, which were used by programmers to expose annotations. However, these formats were difficult for clients due to accessing a set of web services from different providers, and also adapting to each description [2]. Each developer also has the freedom to compile a service description by providing a web page (hREST), using XML or the OAS rules. This is because the OAS is presently the standard adopted by most programmers, to describe the web API capabilities in JSON or YAML format. At the beginning of this study, the OpenAPI version 3.0 was used, with the OAS documents being an interface for the software developers that used web APIs for their business processes. This document contains operational details, which are used to ensure that clients understand the API endpoint, HTTP method, and other required parameters. Also, the OAS document naturally presents and improves the quality of syntactic service descriptions, leading to the possession of comprehensive semantics for easy automation processes.

Although no formal form has been found to describe semantics due to complexity [21], several previous studies have attempted and proposed the creation of service descriptions, by assigning interpretation to the OAS resources. According to Cremaschi and Paoli [4] and Michel et al. [1], a semantic description model was developed and sourced from the OpenAPI document. This was conducted through the addition of annotations to service descriptions, using the JSON-LD added by programmers before publication. The strategy was found to be appropriate for the service providers that developed complex web services through several different teams. Also, the addition of annotations helped each team to understand the meaning of the resources provided by the web service. However, when the additional services were provided by a third party, the addition of JSON-LD-based annotations was not the appropriate solution to adopt. Based on Yu et al. [9], the development of the semantic description annotation used the RDF format, with the inclusion of several sections, namely (1) namespace construction, service and operation name, as well as endpoint invocation, (2) service categorization, (3) HTTP method declarations for service calls (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, or PATCH), and (4) definition of input and output parameters, as well as their reference models. Therefore, registered web services are exposed to several capabilities, using the RDF-based semantic description annotations. As recommended by the World-Wide Consortium (W3C), the RDF and OWL-S schemes should be used as the models for representing data, and also the basis for RDF ontology descriptions [22]. This is due to RDF being used to integrate the web services originating from various sources and formats [23]. According to Guodong et al. [12], a knowledge graph was created by extracting the entities, attributes, and several program relationships of different structural web pages and data sources. These were subsequently converted into structured data, such as triple RDF. The study used RDF to define the semantics of web services, by applying the principle of linked data, where RDF and REST had similarities in identifying programmed resources through the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). RDF is also a data model and language used to describe web resources [24], due to using a linked vocabulary that defines standard terminology. Based on Heath and Bizer [25], the principle of linked data was to solve the problem of information linkage, by proposing the methods of publishing parameters through a common machine-understandable format (RDF). This was conducted through shared vocabulary with clear semantic definitions and linkages between dataset resources. In this condition, any ambiguous problem in the service description was resolved. Furthermore, a collection of RDF statements formed a connected graph node, where they were graphically stored and queried using SPARQL. According to the service composition plan, the semantics of web services provides a database supporting the combination of program search and selection. Using annotations and a generally understandable semantic language, the definition of service functions and input/output parameters is found to support the program matching requested by the client [26]. Besides being complementary, SPARQL is used to express requests for service composition, and also identify appropriate operations in graphical format [21]. This indicates that a semantic matching mechanism is often implemented to determine the most appropriate service that meets the requirements of clients. Therefore, semantic matching is performed by matching service operations with appropriate input and output parameters [12]. The integration is subsequently used to help search services in the composition process. According to Sferruzza et al. [10] and Lucky et al. [27], OAS 3.0 was used as the basis for building semantic web services. This indicated that the provision of meaning to the OAS components was performed by adding a meta-model [10]. A different approach was also used through the addition of annotations to the OAS document, subsequently specifying vocabulary references to avoid ambiguity [27]. However, both solutions required the modification of the OAS docs, to add semantic descriptions. Furthermore, the creation of unmodified semantics was proposed by [11, 28] although the utilized vocabulary was incomplete and less comprehensive in providing meaning to each web resource.

Research methodology

As illustrated in Fig. 1, this research was conducted in four major stages. The stages of the research began with the application of the database normalization approach in order to create a database schema that corresponded to the components in the OAS document and concluded with triple RDF validation using ShExValidata [29].

Fig. 1
figure 1

Research stages

The format for describing web service descriptions in OAS documents is JSON or YAML. Both formats share the same attributes, namely the ability to represent objects in attribute-value pair format and the array data type. Arrays are the most basic form of a relation or table in database science. The components of the OAS document, as a semi-structured document, can be extracted into tables that are related to each other in a relational database schema. Although creating a relational database schema can improve understanding and reuse of components in OAS documents, the data stored in the database is isolated (cannot be accessed using another database management system) and has no meaning. The semantic web must be used to give meaning to the data stored in the database. Vocabulary is used in the semantic web to determine semantic classes and the relationships between classes. Furthermore, vocabulary is used to categorize classes, characterize relationships, and define boundaries between classes that are connected.

After each class and relationship has been assigned a meaning, the RDF statement is formatted in a triple form of subject-predicate-object. Subjects and objects in the triple can be resources, which in this study are tables generated during the creation of a relational database schema. After all triples have been generated, the final step is to validate them. ShExValidata, which is available online, was chosen for triple validation in this study.

Results and discussion

System framework

To provide a complete and clear illustration for producing RDF-based semantics, a systematic framework was proposed as shown in Fig. 2. This contained three layers, namely data modelling and extraction, as well as RDF information management.

Fig. 2
figure 2

RDF-based semantic web services transformation proposed framework

Data modelling

Based on the first layer, data modelling was carried out by creating the appropriate database schema, to store all objects in the OAS document. This was conducted through the implementation of the normalization techniques. The informal database was also designed by translating each OAS object into a table, to capture all OpenApis document fields without considering database constraints such as primary and foreign keys (PK and FK). Moreover, the relationship between the tables was normally determined. The final result was a relational database design, which had the characteristics of a well-structured table, based on avoiding redundant data, anomaly problems, and manipulation, as well as meeting the normal form (NF) rules [30]. The normalization process was carried out by evaluating the initial table structure (as a parent table) and eliminating repetitions (as a child table). Subsequently, the relationship between the parent and child tables was defined by determining the primary and foreign keys (PK and FK). Figure 3 is an example of applying the normalization technique for the OAS Info section (Fig. 4), to become a relational database schema that was connected from one table to another.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Application of normalization techniques for info objects in OAS

Fig. 4
figure 4

Structure of the info section on the OAS

The implementation of the database normalization technique produced 26 tables, which transformed all the parts and objects within the OAS [31]. The results were then grouped into strong and weak types, which had the potentials to become a parent and child table, with and without a PK, respectively. Furthermore, the tables within the database became a data model, whose quality was improved through important RDF concepts, which eliminated ambiguity, especially when sending information [32]. This was because RDF supported the interoperability of information exchange between applications, which was mechanically understood and had a data graph format to represent each statement. In a graphical illustration, the nodes and arrows represented entities and their relationships. This explicitly indicated that RDF formed a triple group, namely subject, predicate, and object, to explain a semantic statement. According to the principle of linked data [25], the subject should be a class with a URI, to explain its meaning. The predicate also contained the properties that described the relationship between classes and literal values. Meanwhile, the object was a class or a literal value. This indicated that each subject was connected to the object through the predicate. The selection reference for triple RDF classes and properties was subsequently found in the vocabulary, which described several service elements. Terminology also became a knowledge that expressed the meaning and connection between data, as recent trends related to the formal forms of connectivity provided reusable semantics to support automated composition methods [21]. To describe a resource, the use of common vocabulary facilitated a global understanding of the meaning, according to its relevance irrespective of the origin [33]. Table 1 presents a list of selected vocabulary for the development of the SWS. When compared to [11, 28], using shared vocabularies as the basis for creating ontology has the advantage of knowing the semantics of each class as well as the associated domains and ranges globally. When the resulting RDF dataset is made public, it will be easier to understand the meaning of each resource that has semantics added.

Table 1 List of adopted vocabularies

According to Table 1, the classes and properties contained in the vocabulary were mapped to each relational database illustration. This showed that a vocabulary was attached to a table based on the number of classes and properties provided to meet the data meaning needs. For example, the @schema vocabulary was attached to a group of interconnected tables (Fig. 5), to describe the information related to service owners.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Relational tables mapped to vocabulary @schema

Based on Fig. 5, two classes were observed for selection, namely Service and APIReference. The service class describes the programs provided by an organization, e.g., delivery and printing events, etc. This class was adopted to provide meaning to the service table, leading to the emphasis on the interpretation of a web program. Meanwhile, the properties of the Service Class were selected to emphasize the relationship between service, “servicecontact”, and “servicelicense” tables, which were described with their supporting data. Furthermore, the APIReference class is defined as a reference document used to describe an Application Programming Interface (API). This class was very suitable for adoption, to define the meaning of the “externaldocument” table. Subsequently, the relationship between service and externaldocument table was explained by using the “isRelatedTo” property. After all data models are mapped into classes and properties, an ontology capable of describing the positions and relationships between several groups was constructed. According to open standards and data structures, ontology creation aims to identify information connectivity and develop common semantics [34]. Moreover, Fig. 6 describes ontology as the basis for developing appropriate SWS with the data model generated through the selected vocabulary. The ontology is manually constructed by analyzing the suitability of the range, domain and predicate between classes contained in the chosen vocabulary. This indicates that a labelled arrow represents the relationship between ontology classes. The direction of the arrow also determines the range (object) belonging to a class (acts as a subject) and has a predicate according to the label. For example, the http:resp predicate links the http:Request class as the subject, with the http:Response class being observed as the object.

Fig. 6
figure 6

SWS ontology based on OAS resources

As a formal form of concept specification and database schema (data model), ontology became the main basis for RDF creation. To translate the database model into RDF, R2RML was used. This is a language recommended by the W3C for customizing relational database mapping (as an RDF data model) into an RDF dataset. Based on this study, the RDF data model was structurally mapped with a vocabulary into a set of triple RDF, which represented resource information (in the semantic context, web services are components that explain the capabilities of web in OAS documents) as the interrelated graphs between one node and another. In R2RML, the input was a relational database model that matched the schema, while the output was a triple RDF according to a predetermined mapping. Moreover, the data model mapped using R2RML was a table, view, or a Structured Query Language (SQL). In creating R2RML mapping, the determination of subject-predicate-object was also determined from each data model represented by relational database tables. When a table was observed as an RDF class, the PK column became an identifier and a reusable resource. Meanwhile, other columns in the table completed the meaning of the resource. For example, three interconnected illustrations were found when observing the table schema (Fig. 3). The service table was found to be the parent and had a “serviced” column acting as a PK. However, the “servicecontact and servicelicense” tables were the child, related to the service table through the “serviced” column. The mapping of the data model subsequently stored in the service, servicecontact, and servicelicense tables using R2RML is described in Appendix. Meanwhile, to provide an overview of the data model mapping in these tables into a set of triple RDF, it is explained as follows,

figure a

Using R2RML, the mapping of the data model stored in the triple RDF database was carried out by selecting a class in the vocabulary that matched the characteristics of the design. To use the selected class, rr should be added as the R2RML IRI vocabulary namespace. The rules for mapping a table into a triple RDF are described in Table 2.

Table 2 General mapping rules

B. Data extraction

The output generated by the data modeling layer became an artifact within the data extraction layer. Also, the relational databases and RDF metadata models translated into RDF mappings became key artifacts, to support goals at the extraction layer. This was because the data extraction layer had two main objectives, namely (1) extracting the OAS data into the records stored in a relational database, and (2) transforming the records in the relational database into a collection of triple RDF, using the predefined rules on the mapping process. To achieve the intended target, the sequential arrangement of activities is described in Fig. 7.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Sequence activities to extract data

The extraction process began with the upload of the OAS document, which was the source of the information saved to the database. Each section and object in the document was also parsed and saved to appropriate tables. In this study, there were two types of databases with similar structure, namely temporary and production classes, which were used to manage the information obtained from the extraction process. Furthermore, the production and temporary databases stored the extracted data from all and present OAS documents, respectively. To improve the optimization of the production data reuse, the existence of the similar information should be initially evaluated before addition into the temporary system. When the data was found, the records in the production database was copied to the temporary system. However, a new record was added to the temporary database.

To add records to a database table, the consideration of the dependencies and relationships was very necessary. This indicated that the table with the fewest relationships and lowest dependencies obtained the first order within the process of adding records. These were subsequently found in the OAS structure, as an object in a section was reused in another. Therefore, this object should be able to be parsed and stored in the database, due to not causing dependency problems. Based on Fig. 7, the activity numbers 3–8 showed the order of information extraction from the OAS documents into the database. The relationship between the section and the table that stored the data extracted from the document is described in Table 3.

Table 3 Extraction mapping on OAS document and database schema

Based on this study, all sections and data were successfully parsed and stored in the database, with the user being provided with the option to import the information within the temporary system. Moreover, data extraction was continuously conducted with the activity of generating triple RDF, using the RDF mapping generated within the modeling layer. As an illustration of the RDF mapping, an example of the data stored in Tables 4, 5 and 6 was presented as a representation of the information within the service, servicecontact, and servicelicense tables.

Table 4 Record in service table
Table 5 Record in servicecontact table
Table 6 Record in servicelicense table

Based on R2RML mapping described in Appendix, the service table was a resource included in the schema:Service class, which was represented by a value in the serviceid column. However, the other columns in the service table were the predicates reinforcing the interpretation of the schema:Service class. In the RDF generation process, a triple RDF was obtained in the turtle syntax, which matched the record in the service table, as shown below,

figure b

In this study, servicecontact and servicelicense tables were weak illustrations with no PK. Therefore, the stored record was not identified as a resource, although described the service table as a blank node. This indicated that every column besides FK was a predicate connecting the RDF schema:Service class. RDF Triple 2 described the triple RDF as follows:

figure c

C. RDF management

The produced set of triple RDF should be managed based on supporting graph processing as the basic form of RDF. This indicated the selection of various open-source graph management systems, including Apache Jena [35], Stardog [36], GraphDB [37], and Neo4J [38]. SPARQL was also a standard language used to perform queries, leading to the collection of the information stored within the RDF store. Based on service search, this language was used to determine the program candidates that matched the composition requirements.

Experiment result

To support system testing, a software prototype was developed which had the ability to convert OAS documents into a triple RDF collection, by initially filling the records in the relational database. Moreover, datasets were generated from the published OAS documents with the development of prototypes. These were useful in supporting the search process in service composition, using SPARQL. Table 7 describes the prototype development environment to support testing.

Table 7 Prototype development environment

The main programming language used to develop prototypes was Node.js, with express as its web server. Besides this, several modules integrated with Node.js were also used to support the achievement of the expected capabilities, such as node-jq [39]. This provided the main feature of extracting the OAS documents in JSON format. Also, the Node.js used an open-source engine based on the Java programming language, namely R2RML-F [40]. This engine satisfied all the specifications presented in R2RML, by creating data mappings to generate triple RDF. As a complement, MariaDB was selected as a database management system, to create a relational structure and also store records of the OAS document processing results. Therefore, the functionality designed in the prototype primarily supported the activities described at the data extraction layer of the system framework, as shown in Fig. 8.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Prototype use case diagram

In the uploaded OAS Doc functionality, users were required to upload the documents with JSON extension files. When the upload process was successful, the file was copied to the server. This indicated that a successful file upload was a prerequisite for being able to use the Extract OAS Sections functionality. In this functionality, the extracted data on the OAS document was appropriate with the sequence of processes, as shown in Fig. 7. Any data generated from this extraction process was stored in a table, whose mapping was explained in Table 3. After storage in a relational database, users downloaded the data for documentation or recovery needs, due to the unexpected incidence of damages to the production system. This indicated the abilities to generate a set of triple RDF, which was managed and transformed from the database information through a graphical system.

The use case illustrated in Fig. 8 serves as a reference for developing a prototype that enables proper and accurate interaction between users and the system, as illustrated in Figs. 9 and 10. The form displayed in Fig. 9 allows users to upload an OAS document file for extraction. The system restricts the file extensions that can be uploaded throughout the upload process, that is.json. If it does not conform to the specified restrictions, an error notice is produced. After successfully uploading and copying the OAS document file to the server, the user can begin extracting each component of the OAS document. The user must follow a specific procedure while extracting the OAS document, as illustrated in Fig. 10. If the extraction procedure is successful, each section of the OAS document will be saved to the database as a separate record.

Fig. 9
figure 9

OAS document file upload interface

Fig. 10
figure 10

OAS document extraction interface

To test the prototype’s ability to produce RDF-based semantic web services, a total of 106 OAS documents were selected and downloaded between 05–10 May 2021, to serve as an analytical dataset. The OAS documents were also obtained from [41], where 2283 files were registered by web service owners and other contributors. Based on Table 8, the distribution of OAS documents and the number of generated triple RDFs were described.

Table 8 OAS document distribution per service provider and number of generated triple RDF


Based on the experimental process, the OAS document transformation system was appropriately operated. This indicated that the sections within the OAS documents were fully translated into records in a relational database, which were subsequently transformed into triple RDF. According to the creation of a relational database, the benefit obtained was the avoidance of data duplication. Furthermore, the potential for data duplication was found in the schema definition (in relational databases stored in the primitiveschema, objectschema, and arrayschema tables) used in each operation within the OAS document section. The results showed that an operation had at least a response, which returned a status code and a message (in a specified data format) to the service user. This showed that the returned message had one data schema format defined in the OAS document. The data schema is also applied to the parameters and requests for an operation. Considering these characteristics, the reuse of data schemas from a set of OAS documents were predicted to provide efficiency in the addition of records to the database. From the dataset used as a test, an average efficiency of 14.59% was obtained, compared to not reusing similar data scheme. Figure 11 shows the addition of records into the database, for each iteration of OAS document processing.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Accumulated insertion of records to database

Based on Fig. 11, two different lines indicated the addition of records in the database. This showed that the red line represented the addition of records, when the data schema reused was not applied to other OAS documents. Meanwhile, the blue line indicated the addition of records when the data schema stored in the identified database was found in the processed OAS document. This efficiency linearly affected the number of triple RDF produced. When the observation was focused on service providers, the efficiency reached 48.28%. This was because programmers had designed high interoperability between services. Through this interoperability, several services interacted with each other (forming a composite service) to meet a more complex business need. Table 9 provides an overview of the data schema reuse efficiency on several services.

Table 9 Efficient use of data schemes per service provider


Based on the study objective, the produced triple RDF met the requirements for the composition of web services, as a source of knowledge to support service discovery method. In addition, the results obtained resolved all research questions. To accomplish first research question, the SWS design process begins with the design of a relational database by applying the database normalization technique, then extracting the components in the OAS document into data in the relational database. 26 tables are constructed in the relational database to store all of the components contained in the OAS document. Selection of the appropriate shared dictionary to determine resource semantics, and creation of semantic statements in triple format (subject–predicate–object) based on semantic ontologies that relate classes from shared dictionaries becomes the next job after the relational database is generated. The results obtained are a solution to the second research question. To address the last research question, R2RML was selected as the standard language capable of transforming data from relational databases into triple RDF. To transform, a mapping between the relational database’s table structure and the matching dictionary was created using the R2RML protocol. SWS is built using the RDF data schema with turtle syntax and is managed in a SWS repository, Apache Jena. Apache Jena is a Java-based open source that can be used to manage triple RDF and supports processing (querying) triple RDF using SPARQL. To support the proof-of-concept design of SWS, a software prototype was built with the main ability to extract OAS documents into relational database schemas and transform data in relational databases into triples. The software prototype only supports the extraction of OAS documents using the JSON format. The OAS document used to test the SWS design and software prototype was obtained from Although this study generated a triple RDF dataset, it was not made publicly available. As a result, it cannot be used for comparable research. Further work will integrate the proposed framework with a service composition platform to enable seamless service discovery via a knowledge database. On the other hand, it is necessary to develop a more user-friendly user interface that is multi-platform compatible.