Correction to: Environ Syst Res (2018) 7:3

After publication of our article (Tellen and Yerima 2018) it came to our attention that we did not acknowledge that some sections of text and one figure (Fig. 11b) overlap with the Master’s Thesis of Albert Mensah, “Effects of Eucalyptus plantation on soil physico-chemical properties in Thiririka sub-catchment, Kiambu County, Kenya”, which was defended at the School of Pure and Applied Sciences, Kenyatta University, in February 2016. The sections of text affected are:

  • ‘Effect of LULC change on soil physical properties’, subsections ‘Soil moisture content (MC)’ and ‘Soil bulk density’

  • ‘Effects of land use change on soil chemical properties’, subsections ‘Effects of land use change on soil available phosphorus’, ‘Effects of land use change on exchangeable bases’ and ‘Effects of LULC change on soil exchangeable acidity (H+ + Al3+)'

We apologise to Albert Mensah and to readers for this omission.