Upon publication [1], the authors noted an error in Figs. 1, 2, 3 and 4. The corrected figures are below. This error related only to stratification of results by age group category resulting in a change to the x-axis scale, and does not otherwise impact on the results of this paper.

figure 1

Figure 1 Number of cases of healthcare associated infections per 100,000 population in Australia, presented with previously published data from the EU and Germany

figure 2

Figure 2 Number of DALYs from healthcare associated infections, stratified by age, in Australia, presented with previously published data from the EU and Germany, normalised by population

figure 3

Figure 3 Number of attributable deaths from healthcare associated infections, stratified by age, in Australia, presented with previously

figure 4

Figure 4 Estimated rate of five healthcare associated infections, normalised by population, in Australia, presented with previously published data from Europe and Germany