Correction: EURASIP J. Audio Speech Music Process 2024, 18 (2024)

Following publication of the original article [1], we have been notified that:

-Equation 9 was missing from the paper, therefore all equations have been renumbered.

-The title should be modified from “DeepDet: YAMNet with BottleNeck Attention Module (BAM) TTS synthesis detection” to “DeepDet: YAMNet with BottleNeck Attention Module (BAM) for TTS synthesis detection”.

-The Acknowledgements section needs to include the following statement:

The authors extend their appreciation to King Saud University for funding this work through Researchers Supporting Project number (RSPD2024R1006), King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

-The below text in the Funding section has been removed:

The authors extend their appreciation to the Deputyship for Research and Innovation, “Ministry of Education” in Saudi Arabia for funding this research (IFKSUOR3–561–2).

The original article has been corrected.