Correction: J Biomed Semantics 13, 17 (2022)

Following publication of the original article [1], we have been notified that the numbering of column 1 in Table 2 is incorrect. It should be as follows:

2. Intermediate category (n =2)

2.1. Data sources

2.2. Study design or IRB

3. Exclusion category (n =3)

3.1. Exclusion 1– Irrelative evidence:

3.1.1. Location

3.1.2. Ethical

3.1.3. Financial

3.1.4. Patient direct contact

3.1.5. Provider or researchers (excluding patients)

3.1.6. Performance

3.1.7. Quality of Care

3.2. Exclusion 2- Computational and statistical evidence:

3.2.1. Alerts

3.2.3. Software

3.2.4. Statistics

3.3. Exclusion 3- Insufficient evidence:

3.3.1. Insufficient evidence