Correction: Stem Cell Research & Therapy (2020) 11:405

In the original article, the authors identified an editing error in Fig. 3a where the Live image used in Step 2: em-islets INF-Y was incorrect from a mistake during figure assembly. The correct Fig. 3 has now been provided here and the authors apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Fig. 3
figure 3

In vitro analysis of islet survival and function following exposure to pro-inflammatory cytokines: a representative confocal images and results of b live/dead, c MTT, and d high-glucose-stimulated insulin secretion assays of tested groups (i.e., Islets, e-Islets, m-Islets, em-Islets, and emf-Islets). Blue: live cells stained with Hoechst. Red: dead cells stained with PI. Green: AD-MSCs stained with FDA. Scale bar = 50 μm. Significant differences: b–d aP < 0.05: Islets vs. m-Islets or em-Islets or emf-Islets; bP < 0.05: m-Islets vs. em-Islets or emf-Islets; dP < 0.05: em-Islets vs. emf-Islets (one-way ANOVA post hoc Tukey test)