Retraction Note: Stem Cell Research & Therapy (2018) 9:37

The Editor-in-Chief has retracted this article at the Corresponding Author's request. After publication, concerns were raised regarding partial image overlap between figures in this article and another article by the same authors submitted and published within a close time frame [1]. Specifically:

  • Fig. 1A appears to present the same data as Fig. 2A in [1];

  • Fig. 1B and D appear to overlap with Fig. 2B and D in [1], respectively;

  • Fig. 3A appears to originate from a different section in the same sample as Fig. 5A in [1];

  • Fig. 4A-1 and A-3 appear highly similar to Fig. 6C and A in [1], respectively;

  • Fig. 5A Akt lane 1 and GAPDH lanes 1–3 appear highly similar to Fig. 7A FSHR lane 1 and GAPDH lanes 1–3 in [1], respectively

The Authors have stated that the data in Figs. 1–4 correspond to the experiments performed in this article, and that the conclusions of this article are not affected by these errors. However, they are unable to explain the similarities in the western blot images. The authors have therefore requested a retraction due to loss of confidence in the presented data.

All authors agree to this retraction.