Correction to: Genome Med 11, 69 (2019)

Following publication of the original article [1], two errors were identified in the Results section.

1. The sentence currently reads:

“For IPAH, we observed significant associations for BMPR2 (p = 1.0E − 7, FDR = 9.0E− 04), KLK1 (p = 1.0E− 7, FDR = 9.0E− 04), and GGCX (p = 5.0E− 07, FDR = 0.002) (see Fig. 4).

The sentence should read

“For IPAH, we observed significant associations for BMPR2 (p = 1.0E − 7, FDR = 9.0E− 04), KLK1 (p = 1.0E− 7, FDR = 9.0E− 04), and GGCX (p = 1.9E-06, FDR = 0.013).

Further down in the text:

2. The sentence currently reads:

“Likewise, while the association signal for GDF2 fell below the cutoff (p = 3.0E−07, FDR = 0.002), we clearly provide confirmation of this new PAH risk gene”.

The sentence should read:

“Likewise, while the association signal for GDF2 fell below the cutoff (p = 3.2E-06, FDR = 0.016), we clearly provide confirmation of this new PAH risk gene”.

The original article [1] has been corrected.