Correction: BMC Chemistry (2022) 16:37

Following publication of the original article [1], the author noticed the errors in Table 4 and in the reference list. These have been corrected with this erratum.

In section, “Comparison study of REEs/Dowex 50WX8 with other reported materials”, the paragraph should read “Comparison of REEs/Dowex 50WX8 system under the used optimum conditions of batch technique with other commercially reported materials [32–53] and given in Table 4 shows the advantages and efficiency of Dowex 50WX8 adsorbent. The results of comparison in the term of maximum capacity (Q0) (30, 50, 60 mg/g for Pr, DY and Y), pH = 1, and contact time (15 min) and which were achieved in the current study indicate that Dowex 50WX8 is more efficient and affordable than other reported materials.

Table 4 Comparison study of REEs/Dowex 50WX8 with other reported materials

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