
The original publication [1] misses 4 tables and 1 figure which should have been available as additional files. The missing additional files have been included with this erratum as well as a list with description which can be found below.

Table S1: As shown in Additional file 1, both groups had similar demographic, clinical and parasitologic characteristics.

Table S2: By intention-totreat, the definitive healing rate in the thermotherapy group was 58.5% (95% IC 49–66) and 72% (95% IC 78– 92) in the Meglumine antimoniate group, as shown on Additional file 2.

Table S3 and the Leishmania species identified. There was also no association between treatment and other variables such as number, location and lesion type or with the geographical area of Colombia where the infection occurred (Additional file 3).

Table S4: Additional file 4 shows the systemic and local side effects found in this study.

Figure S1: Additional file 5 Flow diagram.