Correction to: Genome Biol (2020) 21:280

Following publication of the original paper [1], the authors reported an error.

After the heading “Composite likelihood of folded SFS”, it states “pi is the frequency of ηi in the samples”. This sentence should read as “\( {p}_i=E\left({\eta}_i|{\theta}_2,\cdots, {\theta}_n\right)={\sum}_{k=2}^{n-i+1}\frac{\Gamma \left(n-i\right)\Gamma \left(n-k+1\right)}{\Gamma \left(n-i-k+2\right)\Gamma (n)}{\theta}_k+{\sum}_{k=2}^{i+1}\frac{\Gamma \left(n-i\right)\Gamma \left(n-k+1\right)}{\Gamma \left(n-i-k+2\right)\Gamma (n)}{\theta}_k \) is the expected frequency of ηi in the samples given θ2, ⋯, θn”.