Correction to: Critical Care (2020) 24:160

In the publication of this article [1], in the Methods Section, there was an error in the following formulae:

$${\text{CaO}}_{2} = {\text{SaO}}_{2} \times {\text{Hb}} \times 1.39 + \left( {{\text{PaO}}_{2} \times 0.031} \right)$$


$${\text{CcvO}}_{2} = {\text{ScvO}}_{2} \times {\text{Hb}} \times 1.39 + \left( {{\text{PcvO}}_{2} \times 0.031} \right).$$

The correct formulae are:

$${\text{CaO}}_{2} = {\text{SaO}}_{2} \times {\text{Hb}} \times 1.39 + \left( {{\text{PaO}}_{2} \times 0.0031} \right)$$


$${\text{CcvO}}_{2} = {\text{ScvO}}_{2} \times {\text{Hb}} \times 1.39 + \left( {{\text{PcvO}}_{2} \times 0.0031} \right).$$

These have now been updated in the original article.

The data calculation used the correct formula.

We regret for any inconvenience that this inaccuracy may have caused.