After the publication of this article it has been brought to our attention that the data in Table 3 (Table 1 in this Erratum) and in the Additional file 3: Table S3 (Additional File 1 in this Erratum) contained mistakes as detailed below. These mistakes have been corrected in this Erratum.

Table 3 Administrative and clinical outcomes by fluid cohort

The following values have been corrected in Table 3 (Table 1 in this Erratum):

  • the entire column (far right) "Adjusted Odds Ratio (95 % CI)"

  • under Electrolyte Abnormalities, the value for "High Mg" within the column "Saline n (%)" and the values for "Unadjusted Odds Raio (95 % CI)" and "Adjusted Odds Ratio (95 % CI)"

  • under Electrolyte Abnormalities, ALL values for the row labelled "Low Ca with replacement"

The single value for SOFA CV Level 2 "Saline cohort n (%)" in Table S3 (Additional File 1 in this Erratum) has been corrected.

In addition, we noticed that the legend for Fig. 2 (Fig. 1 in this Erratum) was incorrectly given as “Administrative and clinical outcomes unadjusted and adjusted for Acute Physiology Score”. The correct legend for Fig. 2 is “Administrative and clinical outcomes unadjusted and adjusted for APS, Elixhauser comorbidities of congestive heart failure, hypertension and lymphoma, admission source, census region, and payer.” The labels above the right-hand side plots within the figure also needed corrections and have been updated in this erratum.

Fig. 2
figure 1

legend, edit to: Administrative and clinical outcomes unadjusted and adjusted for APS, Elixhauser comorbidities of congestive heart failure, hypertension and lymphoma, admission source, census region, and payer