Retraction Note: J Exp Clin Cancer Res 39, 190 (2020)

The Editor in Chief and all authors have retracted this article. After publication, concerns were raised about the following issues with the images:

  • Fig. 1C: the tumour-IHC:IMP3 panel appears very similar to the tumour-SAT1 panel in Fig 2N in a paper by different authors that was under submission at the same time [1].

  • Fig. 2B: the LNCap IMP3 blot appears very similar to the SK-KEP-1 ACSL4 blot in Fig 2B in a previously-published paper by different authors [2].

  • Fig. 2F contains multiple panels that seem to overlap with panels in Fig 1C a previously-published paper by different authors [3], Fig 1D in a previously-published paper by different authors [4], as well as Fig 5E, 6E and 7H in a paper by different authors that was under submission at the same time [1].

  • Fig. 4A: the SMURF1 blot appears very similar to the N-Cahedrin blot in a paper by different authors that was under submission at the same time [5].

  • Fig. 6F contains two tumours that appear similar to those in Figs 2M and 7H in in a previously-published paper by different authors [6].

The authors supplied the raw data, but in view of the multiple nature of the overlaps, the Editor in Chief has lost confidence in the integrity of the results of the article. All authors agree with this retraction.