Correction to: J Exp Clin Cancer Res 37, 21 (2018)

Following publication of the original article [1], the authors identified minor errors in image-typesetting in Fig. 4; specifically in Fig. 4c.

Fig. 4
figure 1

Repression of GADD45α decreases the inhibitory effect of FL3 on cell cycle progression. a Flow cytometry assay was performed in T24 cells to measure the effect of FL3 on the cell cycle distribution in the presence or absence of siGADD45α-RNA. The percentage of cells in each phase was shown in the histograms; data represent the mean ± SD of three independent experiments, *P < 0.05 indicates a significant difference. b Total cell lysates from indicated T24 cells (up panel) were harvested and subjected to Western blot analysis with the indicated proteins (left panel). c Cell colony formation experiments were performed to measure the inhibitory effect of FL3 on cell proliferation of T24 cells in the presence or absence of GADD45α. Histograms represent the mean ± SD numbers of colonies of three independent experiments. **P < 0.01 indicates significance

The corrected figure is given below. The correction does not have any effect on the results or conclusions of the paper.