Correction to: J Hematol Oncol (2019) 12:23

The original article [1] contained an error in Fig. 7c whereby the same flow image was accidentally misused for the second and fourth group. The correct version of Fig. 7c can be viewed below together with the rest of Fig. 7.

Fig. 7
figure 7

CeRNET_CC is sufficient and necessary for six2-induced effects. a, b Phase contrast images of mammospheres formed by MCF-7-six2 cells with si-CYP4Z1 or si-CYP4Z2P treatment (a) and quantification of spheres (b). The data are presented as the means ± SDs, n = 3, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 vs. MCF-7-six2. c Representative FACS profile of cells described in a with CD24− and CD44+ markers. d, e Cells depicted in a were subjected to western blot analysis and followed by detecting the expression of p-Akt/p-ERK1/2 (e) and stemness markers (ALDH1 and OCT3/4) (d). f Images of tumors harvested when MCF-7, MCF-7-six2, MCF-7-six2-si-Z1, and MCF-7-six2-si-Z2P cells (left) and MCF-7-Plko-six2, MCF-7-Plko-six2-Z1-UTR, and MCF-7-Plko-six2-Z2P-UTR cells (right) were planted