Correction to: Acta Vet Scand (2021) 63:33

Following the publication of the original article [1], we were notified of erroneously presented units for red and white blood cells in Table 2 and missing unit for Total T4 in Table 3.

Corrected units are represents in Bold:

Table 2

WBC (109/L)

RBC (1012/L)

HGB (g/L)


MCV (fL)

MCHC (g/L)

RDW (%)

PLT (109/L)

Neutrophils (109/L)

Lymphocytes (109/L)

Monocytes (109/L)

Eosinophils (109/L)

Basophils (109/L)

Table 3

Total T4 (nmol/L)