Correction to: Nazari et al. Orphanet J Rare Dis (2021) 16:393

Following the publication of the original article [1], it was brought to our attention that two errors were introduced to the authors’ affiliations during the typesetting and implementation of the authors’ corrections:

  1. 1.

    The last and corresponding author Saeed Amini is affiliated with institutions 4 and 5, as shown in author list of this Correction, and not with institutions 3 and 5, as initially shown in the original article.

  2. 2.

    Furthermore, institution 4 is the Department of Health, Khomein University of Medical Sciences, Khomein, Iran, as shown in the “Author details” section of this Correction, and not the Department of Health Services Management, Khomein University of Medical Sciences, Khomein, Iran, as initially shown in the original article.

The original article has already been corrected as above.