We would like to provide an update for the paper “Non-radiographic methods of measuring global sagittal balance: a systematic review” in Scoliosis and Spinal Disorders [1] with additional data regarding the reliability of the Spinal Mouse method in evaluating global sagittal balance through trunk inclination in an adult population with back pain.

We were alerted to the presence of additional data [2] fitting the inclusion criteria documenting excellent intra-rater reliability (ICC 0.845 [CI 0.679–0.925], SEM 0.803°) of the Spinal Mouse system in a population of 50 adults with back pain aged 58.4 ± 13.4 years. This reliability data is consistent with the reported results in healthy children and healthy adults.

Tables 1 and 2 are updated as below.

Table 1 Methodological quality of included studies evaluated using the Brink and Louw critical appraisal tool
Table 2 Study characteristics, reliability, validity and SEM data of included studies