Erratum to: Plant Methods 2014, 10:35 DOI 10.1186/1746-4811-10-35

Unfortunately, the original version of this article [1] contained an error in Figure 8. In this figure the sub-images have been placed in the wrong order and do not match the corresponding figure legend. The correct version of Fig. 8 can be found below.

Fig. 8
figure 1

DT images of grape berries at five different stages of berry development (longitudinal plane). The images include a pre-véraison grape at 55 DAF (a, voxel size 156 × 156 × 1000 μm), a grape undergoing véraison at 70 DAF (b, voxel size 164 × 164 × 1000 μm), a ripening grape at 85 DAF (c, voxel size 172 × 172 × 1000 μm), a grape which is at oenological maturity at 95 DAF (d, voxel size 125 × 125 × 1000 μm) and a post-maturity berry at 109 DAF (e, voxel size 172 × 172 × 1000 μm). No images are available for 28 and 41 DAF. The colours in the figure indicate the direction of least restricted diffusion, as indicated by the image in the bottom right side of the figure. Images are not available for 28 and 41 DAF. Scale bar 3 mm