Correction: Global Health 18, 7 (2022)

Following publication of the original article [1], the authors flagged that the article had published with a duplicate of Fig. 4 in place of Fig. 5.

Fig. 5
figure 1

Sensitivity analysis of all child health indicators using logistic (mortality and morbidities) and linear (anthropometrics) regression models. Estimates are adjusted Odds Ratios of under-five and age-specific mortality rates (A) and child morbidities (B) and adjusted beta coefficients of child anthropometrics (C). The baseline specification model (control group is the entire 10–50 km area) is included for comparison. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals clustered at the survey-cluster level. bef - before; yrs. - years

Figure 5 has now been corrected in the published article and may be found in this erratum.