Correction: Journal of Neuroinflammation 2014, 11:196

In this article [1], the magnification of Fig. 7 (histological evaluation) in panel B (TBI group) and C (TBI + TBZ group) were switched. Specifically, magnification B1 becomes C1 and magnification C1 becomes B1.

The revised Fig. 7 is given in this correction.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Histological examination of brain sections after 24 h. Brain sections from TBI mice and TBZ-treated mice (B and C respectively, see densitometry analysis F) demonstrated brain tissue injury and inflammatory cell infiltration. Naproxen treatment did not attenuate completely the development of acute brain injury at one and six hours after TBI (D, see densitometry analysis F). On the contrary, ATB-346 treatment reduced the degree of brain injury and the inflammatory cells infiltration (E, see densitometry analysis F) Sham group is represented in panel A. A1-E1 represent 20X magnification. Figure is representative of at least three experiments performed on different experimental days. ###P < 0.001 versus TBI