Correction to: J Neuroinflammation (2021) 18:244

Following publication of the original article [1], the authors noticed that there was an error in the order of Figs. 3 and 4: the two figures were inadvertently transposed with one another. The original article has been updated and the correct version can be found in this erratum. (Figs. 3 and 4).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Effects of diabetes on the T helper cell differentiation in EAMG rats. The percentages of Th1 (A), Th2 (B), Th17 (C), and Treg cells (D) among spleen MNCs were analyzed by flow cytometry. Data were from two independent experiments and expressed as mean ± SEM. n = 8 in the DM + EAMG group and n = 7 in the EAMG group. The significance of differences was assessed by the Unpaired Student’s t-test. ns means not significant, *p < 0.05

Fig. 4
figure 4

Effects of diabetes on Tfh cells and the subtypes. The percentages of Tfh cells in the lymph nodes were assessed (A). The percentages of total Tfh cells (B), Tfh1 (C), Tfh2 (D), and Tfh17 (E) among spleen MNCs were analyzed by flow cytometry. Data were from two independent experiments and expressed as mean ± SEM. n = 8 in the DM + EAMG group and n = 7 in the EAMG group. The significance of differences was assessed by the Unpaired Student’s t-test. ns means not significant, *p < 0.05