Correction to: J Transl Med (2018) 16:57

The original publication of this article [1] contained 2 errors in the funding and discussion section. In this correction article the incorrect and correct information is published for clarification.

The following sentence in the Funding section, “The study sponsor had no role in the design of this study, its execution, analysis, interpretation of the data, writing, or decision to submit results.” should read “The study sponsor had a role in the design of this study, its execution, analysis as JPR is a shareholder of Translational Biosciences, MediStem Panama, and the Stem Cell Institute."

The following sentence in the Discussion last paragraph, “The small sample size is the most significant limitation of this study in that it may impact the statistical significance of the results.” in the limitations paragraph should read instead “The small sample size is the most significant limitation of this study in that it may impact the statistical significance of the results, when considering the suitability of a t-test on a small sample size.”