Erratum to: J Transl Med (2015) 13:375 DOI 10.1186/s12967-015-0740-5

After publication of our work [1] it was brought to our attention that the cited mechanism of action for the kaolin-impregnated gauze dressing QuikClot® needs to be extended. The statement regarding the products mechanism of action was based on the most recent publication regarding QuikClot® (Reference #20 in the article, Li et al. 2013), yet this article investigated an outdated formulation of the product based on zeolite instead of kaolin. The kaolin-impregnated gauze activates factor XII, initiating the intrinsic coagulation pathway [2]. Therefore, the following corrections are made:

  1. 1.

    In “Table 1 – Investigated dressings” the mechanism of action reading: “Unknown; presumably concentration of procoagulant factors due to water absorption and Ca2+ release [20]” for QuikClot® needs to be replaced with: “Activation of coagulation factor XII [20]”, whereby the reference Lamb et al. 2012 (here [2]) replaces #20 (Li et al. 2013) as reference for the mechanism of action.

  2. 2.

    In the discussion section page 7 of 10, line 15 the statement “… that advances coagulation by rapidly absorbing fluid.” needs to be extended by: “… and activates factor XII of the coagulation cascade.”

Corrections and extension of the above statements regarding the mechanism of action of QuikClot® does not alter the findings or conclusions of the original article.