Correction to: Reprod Biol Endocrinol 19, 28 (2021)

Following publication of the original article [1], the authors reported errors in in the main text.

Abstract, Methods

“Cross sectional cohort patient survey using an anonymous, self-reported, single time, web-based, HIPPA….” Should read “Cross sectional cohort patient survey using an anonymous, self-reported, single time, web-based, HIPAA…”

Introduction, 2nd paragraph, 2nd line “due to the Covid-19…” should read “due to the COVID-19…”

Materials and Methods, 8th and 11th lines “Covid-19” should read “COVID-19”

Heading Covid-19 experience and attitudes, should read COVID-19

Last sentence of that section “Please see Table 3 for summary of Covid-19 experience and attitudes” should read “Please see Table 3 for summary of COVID-19 experience and attitudes.”

Discussion section, 1st paragraph 2nd sentence: “of the Covid-19 pandemic” should read “of the COVID-19 pandemic”

Conclusions section, 1st paragraph, 2nd sentence “psychological experience and coping strategies of patients pausing their care due to Covid-19.” Should read “psychological experience and coping strategies of patients pausing their care due to COVID-19. “