
The original version of this article [1] unfortunately contained an error.

The following lines regarding RCT [23] in Table 1: ‘…the Gonal-f group achieved non significantly more oocytes of (10.7 vs 10.6, respectively), despite lower peak E2 levels and lower cancellation rate (7704 vs 8982 pmol/L and 0.8 % vs 2.0 %, respectively) with…’ has been corrected.

This has been corrected to: ‘...the Gonal-f group achieved non significantly less oocytes (10.4 vs 10.7, respectively), with lower peak E2 levels and lower cancellation rate (7704 vs 8982 pmol/L and 8.9 % vs 11.2 %, respectively) with the consequent decreased incidence of OHSS…".