Correction : Harm Reduction Journal (2023) 20:1

In the original version of this article [1], the paragraph under the section “Drug War Failure” should read as follows:

Xylazine is unscheduled at the federal level, and to date is illegal only in Florida, where it was banned in 2018 [40]. Increased attention to xylazine and its harms has recently prompted a call for xylazine to be federally scheduled. However, we urge caution in such an approach. Scheduling xylazine would only control the licit supply, creating barriers to needed research on the health impacts, toxicology, and safety profile of the drug. Further, xylazine is used very commonly as a surgical anesthetic for animals used in pre-clinical research, including cancer research. Scheduling xylazine would disrupt these research areas and slow progress.

The original article has been corrected.