Correction to: Harm Reduction Journal (2020) 17:24

Following publication of the original article [1], the authors would like to correct two sentences in the article:

'Drug-related deaths in the UK are higher than any European Union (EU) country; in the year before Britians exit they accounted for one third of all reported in the EU country and, in the year prior to Britain’s exit, accounted for a third of all reported in the EU'

should read: 'Drug-related deaths in the UK are higher than any European Union (EU) country; in the year prior to Britain’s exit, they accounted for a third of all reported in the EU'.


‘Current harm reduction advice advocates the use of WFI, with the “next best” alternative boiled and cooled potable (drinkable cold tap) water, and after this, cold tap water’.

should read: ’Current harm reduction advice advocates the use of WFI, with the “next best” alternative boiled and cooled potable (drinkable) tap water, and after this, cold tap water’.