Correction: Lipids in Health and Disease 21, 14 (2022)

Following publication of the original article [1], the author requested to replace Fig. 1. The correct figure is given below.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Results of valve visual observation by HE staining and CD68 immunohistochemical staining; (A): normal aortic valve (HE, × 40), composed of collagen layers, loose layers, and ventricular layers, collagen layer (mainly composed of collagen), intermediate loose layer (containing a small amount of collagen), and ventricular layer (mainly composed of elastic fibers); (B): Calcific aortic valve (HE, × 40), visible calcification; (C): Calcific aortic valve (IHC, × 100), CD68 positive macrophage

The original article [1] has been updated.