Retraction note: Mol Cancer 17, 155 (2018)

The Editor-in-Chief has retracted this article. After publication, concerns were raised regarding high similarity with the authors' other article that was under consideration within a similar time-frame [1]. Specifically:

  • Fig. 1b Exosomes/CytoD images appear to overlap with Fig. 6c Exosomes/PRO in [1].

  • Fig. 1f UCP1 appear to be duplicated in Fig. 5d UCP1 in [1].

  • Fig. 2a panel 2 appear to be duplicated in Fig. 1c panel 2 in [1].

In addition, the western blots in Fig. 2C UCP3 (C2C12) and Fig. 3H UCP1 (Adipocytes) appear to originate from the same gel. The authors have provided the raw data to address these concerns; however, these data contained a number of further discrepancies. The Editor-in-Chief therefore no longer has confidence in the presented data.

Qi Wu agrees to this retraction. None of the other authors have responded to any correspondence from the publisher about this retraction.