Correction to: Environ Health (2019) 18:95

Following publication of the original article [1], the author explained that there are multiple errors in the original article;

1. Incorrect Additional file 1 was uploaded and is replaced with the correct Additional file 1.

2. Several references (52–70) were incorrectly placed in the references list and they are now have been removed and placed in the supplemental material.

3. The format of Table 1 was incorrect formatted and this is now corrected.

Table 1 Thirty-three actor types with possibilities to contribute to the reduction of antibiotic emissions from manufacturing. For each actor type, examples of their interests, possible actions and incentives and disincentives for those actions are listed (more details to be found in the main text and the supplementary material). Broadly common interests among actors, e.g. individual’s/employees desire to contribute to positive societal change (reducing pollution, improving public health) are implicit but have not been listed for each actor. For actors #15,16,17, 21 and 22 we have listed Swedish examples of actors types

Additional File 1 and Table 1 are included in the correction article. The original article has been corrected.