Correction to: Malar J (2020) 19:207

Following publication of the original article [1], the authors reported an error in the formatting of Boxes 1, 3 and 4, affecting either the HTML or the PDF versions of the article.

To explain the errors further:

In the PDF version of the article:

  • For Box 1, Eq. 7 appeared outside of the box, in the main article body.

While in the HTML version:

  • For Box 3, the text beginning with “None of the validation steps…” (from the section “Considerations for entomological data collection”) appeared erroneously in the box instead of the main article body.

  • For Box 4, the text beginning with “Direct observation of human behaviour…” (from the section “Considerations for human behavioural data collection”) appeared erroneously in the box instead of the main article body.

The original article [1] has now been updated to correct this.

The publisher apologizes for any inconvenience caused.