Correction to: Cancer Cell Int (2019)19:17

In the article [1], the authors have found an error of α-tubulin in Fig. 4d. This error was caused by the same label name, and we put a same picture of α-tubulin in both BCPAP-NC and BCPAP-SIRT6 group in Fig. 4d during figure processing. The error doesn’t affect any results and conclusions of this research. The correct Fig. 4d is given in this correction.

Fig. 4
figure 1

a mRNA expression of HIF-1α fold to negative control under normoxia and hypoxia. The comparative cycle threshold values (2−∆∆Ct) and t-test were adopted to analyze the final results. b Protein expression of HIF-1α in each group under normoxia and hypoxia. c HIF-1α expression in TPC1-SIRT6 and TPC1-NC cells after withdrawing CoCl2 for 0–90 min. d HIF-1α expression in BCPAP-SIRT6 and BCPAP-NC cells after withdrawing CoCl2 for 0–90 min. (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001)