Correction to: Microb Cell Fact (2014) 13:114–0114-3

The authors regret the use of incorrect panels in Fig. 5 (B1) and Fig. 6 (A2, A4, and A5) of their publication [1]. These errors affect neither the research data presented nor the article conclusion.

The corrected Figs. 5 and 6 are provided in this correction.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Confocal laser scanning micrographs of Vibrio biofilms formed on glass surface. A1A5. Biofilm formed on glass surface (control). B1B5. Effect of PHB precoated on the glass surfaces. The PHB coated glass surfaces showed least or no formation of biofilm evidenced the effect of PHB on the control of Vibrio biofilm. A1 & B1 are control and treated biofilm of Vibrio harveyi, A2 & B2 are Vibrio parahaemolyticus, A3 & B3 are Vibrio fischeri, A4 & B4 are Vibrio alginolyticus and A5 & B5 are Vibrio vulnificus

Fig. 6
figure 6

Confocal laser scanning micrographs of Vibrio biofilms formed on polystyrene surface. A1A5. Biofilm formed on polystyrene surface (control). B1B5. Effect of PHB precoated on the polytyrene surfaces. A1 & B1 are control and treated biofilm of Vibrio harveyi, A2 & B2 are Vibrio parahaemolyticus, A3 & B3 are Vibrio fischeri, A4 & B4 are Vibrio alginolyticus and A5 & B5 are Vibrio vulnificus