Correction: BMC Health Services Research (2022) 22:1182

Following publication of the original article [1], the authors identified errors in the Abstract, the Keywords and the ‘Selection of the reported results’ subsection.

Corrections (marked in bold):

  1. 1.

    Abstract: Since 2020 Digital Health Applications (DiHA, German DiGA) in Germany have been undergoing a systematic pathway to be reimbursed by statutory health insurance (SHI) which is attracting attention in other European countries.

  2. 2.

    Keywords: Digital health applications, Digital health technology, DiHA, DiGA, Ehealth, Evidence evaluation

  3. 3.

    ‘Selection of the reported results’ subsection: Almost all of the clinical trials (n = 10/11) had a low risk of bias in the selection of the reported results as a pre-specified protocol was provided and data produced was analysed in accordance with the pre‐specified analysis plan (Additional file 2). Almost one third of the clinical trials (n = 3/11) raised some concerns as it remains unclear if selective reporting occurred (Additional file 2). One third of the clinical trials (n = 3/11) had a high risk of bias as outcomes that were supposed to be investigated according to the protocol were not mentioned in the study or were not evaluated (Fig. 5).

The original article [1] has been corrected.