Correction to: BMC Musculoskelet Disord 21, 358 (2020)

Following publication of this article [1], the authors report the following Corrections to the main text:

  1. i)

    The authors noticed that the reported number of patients that were treated surgically were too many (n = 363) and have corrected the numbers (n = 337). Patients from the cohort Nilsson-Helander et al. [2] were incorrectly labeled as surgically treated when they had received non-surgical treatment. In view of this database mix up, the statistical analysis was re-performed with the correct database and the results changed accordingly.

  2. ii)

    With updated guidelines on how to perform non-inferiority studies having been published in the New England Journal of Medicine [3], since the original analysis was published, the statistical method have accordingly been changed to using Fisher’s Non-parametric Permutation Test. The limb symmetry index for total work is inconclusive. The main conclusion, however, is unchanged that there is no significant difference between the surgery and non-surgery.