Correction: BMC Public Health 22, 1385 (2022)

The original publication of this article [1] contained an incomplete author contribution section. The incorrect and correct information has been listed in this correction article. The original article has been updated.


IG, MT, MS, JP, NF, LC, FL, AK, NG, ET, PG conceptualised the project. All authors were involved with generation of the protocol. IG, MT, ATM, MS, GP and JP wrote the first draft of the manuscript. All authors listed have been implicated in the development of the ongoing project described in the protocol including patients. All authors were involved in editing and approving the manuscript. The corresponding author attests that all listed authors meet authorship criteria and that no others meeting the criteria have been omitted. IG, MT, MS, and AK act as guarantors.


IG, MT, MS, JP, NF, GP,LC, FL, AK, NG, ET, PG conceptualised the project. All authors were involved with generation of the protocol. IG, MT, ATM, MS, GP and JP wrote the first draft of the manuscript. All authors listed (IG,MT,AM,MS,JP,NF, LC,RK,IG,MR,DR,JS,JP,PA,ET,IG,MG,RM,RH,JH,MF,AM,AJ,AS,MJ,MC,AD,SD,PT,CF,AL,PN,MM,HK,FS,FC,AA,MK,LK,JF,PK,TK,LC,FL,AK,PG) have been implicated in the development of the ongoing project described in the protocol including patients. All authors(IG,MT,AM,MS,JP,NF,LC,RK,IG,MR,DR,JS,JP,PA,ET,IG,MG,RM,RH,JH,MF,AM,AJ,AS,MJ,MC,AD,SD,PT,CF,AL,PN,MM,HK,FS,FC,AA,MK,LK,JF,PK,TK,LC,FL,AK,PG) were involved in editing and approving the manuscript. The corresponding author attests that all listed authors meet authorship criteria and that no others meeting the criteria have been omitted. IG, MT, MS, and AK act as guarantors.