Correction to: BMC Cancer 13, 380 (2013)

Following publication of the original article [1], the authors reported the following errors and omissions:

  • Figure 1A: In the published article two panels in Fig. 1A are identical (Scrambled/patient 1 and Control/Patient 3). The correct images are presented here.

  • Figure 3E: The first four lanes of Cyclin E and SOX-2 are very similar and appear as the same samples at different exposures. The correct images are presented here.

  • Figure 3E and 1C present the very same Nrf2 and H3 data. The authors explained they used the same Nrf2 and H3 data because both figures showed the change of Nrf2 expression after downregulation of Nrf2 with lentivirus. This was not made clear in the original figure legends.

None of these changes impair the study outcome or its interpretation in any way.

Figure 1A

figure a

Figure 3E

figure b