Correction to: BMC Neurol 19, 304 (2019)

Following publication of the original article [1], the authors would like to correct the statement under Case presentation, second paragraph.

The sentence currently reads:

“The lumbar ponction revealed a clear pleocytose (1 white cell/mm3; NV < 1 cells/mm3) and elevated protein levels (1,15 g/L; NV < 0,40 g/L) without any evidence of tumor cells. We documented the presence of serum anti-neuronal Hu antibodies…”

The sentence should read:

“The lumbar ponction did not reveal a pleocytosis (1 white cell/mm3; NV < 1 cells/mm3) but elevated protein levels (1,15 g/L; NV < 0,40 g/L) without any evidence of tumor cells. We documented the presence in the serum and in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of anti-neuronal Hu antibodies…”

The original article [1] has been updated.