Correction to: BMC Nephrol (2019) 20:90

Following publication of the original article [1], the authors reported errors in the presentation of Tables 2, 4 and 5. Additionally, the authors reported an error in the last paragraph of the ‘Safety assessment’ section and an error in the first paragraph of the ‘Discussion’ section. In this Correction the incorrect and correct version of Tables 2, 4 and 5 and the incorrect and correct version of the sentences in the ‘Safety assessment’ and ‘Discussion’ section are shown.

Originally Table 2 was published as:

Table 2 Mean Hb levels (g/dL) and mean change in hemoglobin from Baseline to EOC – Dialysis, ITT Population (N = 126)

The correct version of Table 2, with the corrected sections indicated in bold:

Table 2 Mean Hb levels (g/dL) and mean change in hemoglobin from Baseline to EOC – Dialysis, ITT Population (N = 126)

Originally Table 4 was published as:

Table 4 Mean change in hemoglobin levels (g/dL) from baseline to week-4

The correct version of Table 4, with the corrected sections indicated in bold:

Table 4 Mean change in hemoglobin levels (g/dL) from baseline to week-4

Originally Table 5 was published as:

Table 5 Time to initially attained target Hb level (10–12 g/dL) and proportion of patients attained target Hb level (10–12 g/dL) at EOC and EOM

The correct version of Table 5, with the corrected sections indicated in bold:

Table 5 Time to initially attained target Hb level (10–12 g/dL) and proportion of patients attained target Hb level (10–12 g/dL) at EOC and EOM

Originally the last paragraph of the ‘Safety assessment’ section was published as:

  • Altogether, DA-α had a similar safety profile to that of EPO and no antibody formation was identified.

The correct presentation of the last paragraph of the ‘Safety assessment’ section, with the corrected words indicated in bold:

  • Altogether, DA-α had a similar safety profile to that of EPO and no anti-drug antibody formation was identified.

Originally two sentences in the first paragraph of the ‘Discussion’ section were published as:

  • Evaluating the iron availability for erythropoeisis is crucial in treating anaemia patients with CKD.Iron deficiency can interfere with the response to EPO and DA-α and affecting the efficacy

The correct presentation of two sentences in the first paragraph of the ‘Discussion’ section, with the corrected words indicated in bold:

  • Evaluating the iron availability for erythropoeisis is crucial in treating anaemia patients with CKD. Iron deficiency can interfere with the response to EPO and DA-α and affecting the efficacy