Correction to: BMC Med Imaging (2021) 21:5

Following the publication of the original article [1] the authors became aware of an error in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Overview of study outcomes presented as mean ± SD in patients and controls for MPRI by CMR (a), CFR by PET (b) and CFR by TTE (c). For CMR. Error bars are not shown for some studies as some only assessed patient or control subjects. Studies with multiple patient or control groups are indicated by numbers. CFR coronary flow reserve, CMR cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, MPRI myocardial perfusion reserve index, PET positron emission tomography, TTE transthoracic echocardiography

Unfortunately, the Figure showed all included studies instead of only the studies with the specific measurement mentioned in the Figure caption. The studies that showed a different measure of coronary microvascular dysfunction should have been removed.

The rectified Figure is shown here below, as well as the original article, which has now been updated.