
The original article contained a major omission whereby Tables 1, 2, 3, 4 were mistakenly left out from the article body; this error was carried forward by the production team handling this article, and thus was not the fault of the authors.

As such, the original article has now been updated to include these tables.

Table 1 Norwegian general practitioners’ scores on statements about their referral process (A1-10) and data collected when actually referring to hospital (B1-6) during 1 month in 2014 (n = 57)
Table 2 Eigenvalues and cumulative variance of the first ten components in a principal component analysis of 16 variables of the referral process from 57 general practitioners in Norway during spring 2014
Table 3 Rotated pattern matrix after principal component analysisa) of 16 variables of the referral process from 57 general practitioners in Norway during spring 2014
Table 4 Results from multivariate multiple linear regression analysis of eight principal components on referrals from 57 general practitioners (GPs) in Norway in 2014